1 78
where the two linear sets on the right have only zero in
common. Every element of Qj is of character
O’, 7). Then
N 2 =eN 2 e = 'Le$H j , N = B x +N 2 , B t = SQ,
summed for i, 7 = 1, . . . . , h. Hence the elements of
B x are linear combinations of elements each having a
definite character. The same is true of B 2 in
N 2 — B 2 -\-N 3 , etc. In view also of § 100 we may there
fore choose a normalized set of basal units of N each
having a definite character.
Theorem i. Any complex algebra A of the first
category has a set of basal units e x , ...., eu,n x , .... ,
n g , where each n p is nil potent and has a definite character,
(18) e1 e,, ein p n p , n p ej n p , n p n p ^y pPT n T ,
summed for t — i, . . . . , g; r>p, t> a; such that
n p , n a , n T have the respective characters (i, j), (7, /), (i, l).
All further products of two units are zero.
To find the first characteristic determinant 6(co) of
the general element z = x+y of A, where
x= .... A~^h, y=v I n I -\- .... A~v g n g ,
we proceed as in the footnote to § 60. If n a is of char
acter (7, -),
zej = £j6j +lin. func. of «j, . , . . , n g ;
zn a — ^n a A-lin. func. of n a+1 , n a + 2 ,
Transposing the left members after replacing z by o>,
we obtain linear equations in the units such that the
elements below the main diagonal of the determinant of