Full text: Algebras and their arithmetics

[chap. I 
we obtain another transformation called the inverse of t 
and denoted by t~ z . It will prove convenient to write 
X, Y for x, y; then 
t~ l 
£ = —X——Y 
K D D ’ 
”=lf*+5 F ' 
Eliminating £ and r] between the four equations defin 
ing t and t~ I , we find that the product tt~ l is 
I: x=X, y = Y, 
which is called the identity transformation I. As would be 
anticipated, also t~ x t=I. 
While t~ I t=tt~ 1 , usually two transformations t and r 
are not commutative, tr^rt, since the sums in (i) are 
usually altered when the Roman and Greek letters are 
interchanged. However, the associative law 
holds for any three transformations, so that we may write 
trT without ambiguity. For, if we employ the foregoing 
general transformations t and r, and 
T: X=Au-\-Bv, Y=Cuf-Dv, 
we see that (tr)T is found by eliminating first £, 77 and 
then X, Y between the six equations for t, r, T, while 
t{rT) is obtained by eliminating first X, Y and then 
£, rj between the same equations. Since the same four 
variables are eliminated in each case, we must evidently 
obtain the same final two equations expressing x and y 
in terms of u and v. 
The foregoing definitions and proofs apply at once to 
linear transformations on any number p of variables:

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