Full text: Correspondence of Descartes and Constantyn Huygens 1635 - 1647

june 1637] xxvi. Descartes to Huygens 
et voz fortes perfuaiîons me fortiront peu à peu. le ne 
fçay ii le D r Elichman a ne m’a pas dit d’auoir veu copie du 
10 priuilege b que ie vous enuoye. le m’en defcharge en tout 
cas, et en fuitte des longues lettres du Pere Merfenne, aux 
quelles li vous refpondez, j’auray foin de l’adreiîè des 
pacquets, demeurant à touiîours, 
r5 Voilre tres-humble et 
très obligé feruiteur, 
C. Huygens. 
A la Haye, ce 2 e de luin 1637. 
Descartes to Huygens. 
[June 1537.] 
Single sheet foolscap. Text on ia; from c Le fils’ (1. 29) lengthways in 
the margin. 
In reply to the preceding. 
Written before June 12, the date of the next letter (XXVII), 
and after June 8, the c achevé d 3 imprimer ’ of the Discours. 
See further l. 24, note. 
le ne crains pas tant maintenant de vous importuner et 
vous diuertir de vos penfées que i’aurois fait en vn autre 
a A Silesian physician and student of Oriental languages; a friend of 
Descartes from the time of his first visit to Amsterdam (Corresp. vol. I, 
p. 401 n.) and of Golius and Huygens (Briefwisseling, 677, vol. I, p. 345»). 
b Descartes had asked for it to be sent direct to the printer in Leiden 
(Corresp. LXX1II, vol. I, p. 364, 11. 13-16), probably because he was then 
going on his six weeks’ journey (above, XXIV, p. 47, 1. 4 n.). This fact may 
explain his delay in seeing it. It is dated, of course from Paris, the 4th of 
May, and no doubt was awaiting him at Leiden. 
• 2908 

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