Full text: Correspondence of Descartes and Constantyn Huygens 1635 - 1647

cxxiii. Utrecht Decree [13/23 June 164.3 
fime exprimit. Denique hæc verba fi ie meurs malhtireux a 
non fine ratione cum aicenfu et acumine interuallorum repe 
tuntur, vt nempe melius audiantur et aduertantur ab amafiâ. 
Neque hic exprimi vllo modo debet aCtus moriendi etiamfî 130 
nominetur mors, fed cum vocis eleuatione inculcandus metus 
pœnitentiæ, quæ crudelem illam amafîam torquebit poll- 
quam miferum amantem coegerit mori. At moriantur pro 
fecto illi nugatores fi ipfis placet, nos vero interim rideamus. 
Et fcias hæc me ludibundum efFudifle non vt tibi lerio con-13* 
tradicam, led vt teller iftiufmodi rationes quæ non tam a 
Muficæ fcientia quam ab interpretatione carminis Gallici 
pendebant, nec mathematicas, nec phyficas, fed morales 5 
tantum mihi videri, talefque vt illorum ope non folum alteri, 
led etiam mihi ipfi contradicere facile poffim. Vale. r 4 o 
Descartes and the Authorities of the 
City of Utrecht. 
Decree of the Authorities of the City 
of Utrecht against Descartes. 
13/23 June 1643. 
Double sheet foolscap. Text on ia and ib. The whole in Descartes’ hand. 
The c copie Tvn imprimé que Me/fleurs TVtrecht ont fait 
afficher ces iours en leur ville y (above, LXXXV, p. 20 f, II. 2-y). 
It is the document beginning c De Vroetschap der Stadi Vire ch t 
in ervaringe gecomen sijnde . . /, printed in Corresp. vol. III, 
pp. 696-7 (translation, ib., vol. IV,p. 646). 
a ib. § 9,11. 20-3. 
b For this distinction cf. Corresp. CCIV, vol. III, p. 163, 11. 27 ff. 3 
CCXXXVII, p. 379, 1. 17 f. 3 Œuvres, vol. VI, p. 37, 1. 30 f. 3 vol. VII, 
p. 477,1. 243 and vol. VIII (a), p. 3x7,1. 24 f. 

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