I«-' ) cxxvi. Portrait of Descartes
Portrait of Descartes.
167 O.
Single sheet 19x24. cm., bound on the right edge, as if originally taken
from a book.
Portrait, 10 x 13 cm., enclosed in oval frame. Underneath, the following
inscription :
RENE DES CARTES Seigneur de Perron naquit
l’An i yp6 Et mourut l’An 165*2 \Jtc\ en Suede, la Roy ne
l’ayant faidl uenir auprès d’elle a caufe de Son
excellent Scauoir dans les Sciences.
lollain excudit, 1670.
Listed\ together with letter XXIX above, as no. 235- in
Thoipe 3 s c Catalogue of Autograph Correspondence 3 for 1833, the
two being priced at seven shillings and sixpence.
'The portrait is veiy similar to that reproduced by M. Cohen
from an anonymous original in the ^University of Amsterdam, in
Plate XLVII(following p. 604J of his Écrivains français, etc.