Full text: Correspondence of Descartes and Constantyn Huygens 1635 - 1647

Descartes’ Copy of [Oct.-Dec. 1635, 
Descartes’ copy of Huygens’ reply to a 
[Oct.-Dec. 1639.] 
From the autograph in the Royal Library at the Hague. 
Three single sheets foolscap, each folded into two. Text on la and ib 
of sheet i ; la and ib of sheet z ; la, ib, za, and zb of sheet 3 j za and zb 
of sheet z ; and za of sheet 1. 
Saumaise’s letter in sections in the margin. 
The whole in Descartes’ hand except the two notes (Copie, etc. and 
TextuSy etc., 11. 1-7) which are in that of Huygens, the one in the left, the 
other in the right, top corner of 1a. 
For the circumstances of this Reply see XLVI, above,p. no, 
/. 8 6 n. It was asked for, and copied by Descartes in December 
1639 [above, XLVI,^. 111, //, 97-8 3 XLVII\p, 113,/. 39/3 
XLVIII,^. 117,11. 62-3 ), but the copy only reached Huygens in the 
middle 0/1*43 {above, LXXXII, p. 199, /. 20/; LXXXIV, 
p. 202,/. 9/j LXXXV,p. 208, /. 82/; LXXXVI,/ 213, 
/. 9sf', LXXXVII, p. 21*, /.47/3 XCIII 9 p. 228, /. 2/; 
and XCIV,/. 230, //. 2-4.) 
The manuscript was sold as lot 124 in the Sotheby sale of 1827 
æW was bought by Thorpe for £1 (.Introd1, above^p. xxxvi, n. 1). 
It came into the possession of the I{oyal Library at the Hague by 
purchase through M. Charavay in September 1916. 
Pages 1 a and lb of the manuscript are reproduced in facsimile by M. Cohen in 
Écrivains français, etc., plates XL.lIl-XL.lVy following p. yiz. 
* The documents which follow do not form part of Mr. Buxton’s col 
For the transcripts from which they are published and for much of the 
information contained in the notes I am indebted to M. C. de Waard. 

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