The names of hooks and of modem scholars, and references to the
prolegomena or notes, are given in italics.
‘ Académie de Paris ’ : employed by Chan
cellor in censoring books, 263.
Adam, M r . : takes charge of Descartes’
letters at Alkmaar, 249.
Adam, Charles, editor of works of
Descartes :
Avant-propos, ix-xx.
Quoted or referred to, $xx, xxxi, xxxii,
xlix, li, Ixv, Ixvii, Ixxv, 7, 4p, po,
p6, 39, 68, 86, 97, 98, 136,
143, 1 45i l6st > l86 > l8 T 2 4L
2 43'
His Lettres de Constantin Huygens à
Descartes referred to, Ixv, 138.
His Vie de Descartes referred to, 43,
63, 66, 166, 233.
Adriaenssen, Gelain : takes charge of
Descartes’ letters at Egmond, 214.
Aenmerckingen op den Niewwe Stel-Regel
van Johan Stampioen d’Jonge : see
Waessenaer, J. à.
Aerssen : friend of Saumaise, 335.
Algebra (Descartes) : referred to by
Descartes, 212; by Huygens, 227.
Algemeene Konst- en Letterbode : referred
to, Ixi.
Alkmaar, Descartes at: 48,31,55,88,249.
Amadis de Gaule : favourite book of Des
cartes, 57.
Amsterdam, Descartes at : Ixviii, 1, 3,
30-I, 70, 210.
Anatomy, Descartes and : 86.
André, Tobie d’ : friend of Descartes at
Groningen, 233.
Annales de la Société des Soi-disans Jésuites'.
referred to, 223.
Apollonius: Arabie ms. of, 76.
His demonstrations the model of Des
cartes in metaphysics, 135.
Aquilius: agent of the States-General,
Aristarchus : see Roberval, G. de.
Aristotle : reconciled with Descartes
by Jean de Raei, xxxix.
Object of Basso’s attacks, 16.
His authority bolstered up by official
decree at the Universities, 211 ; but
not successfully, 215.
Arnauld, Antoine (the elder) : opponent
of the Jesuits, 223.
Arnauld, Antoine ; criticism of Des
cartes’ ‘ intellectual memory ’, 182.
Controversy with the Jesuits, 223, 224 ;
his new preface to his De la fréquente
Communion received by Descartes,
219, 223.
Arte Magnetica, De : see Kircher, A.
Atheism, accusation of against Descartes :
198, 203, 206, 302 ff.
Aymant, Traité de Г : anonymous work,
160, 162, 165.
Bacon, Francis; honoured by Descartes
for his experiments, 162-3.
Descartes’ general judgement on, 162-3.
Baerle, Caspar van (de) = Barlaeus :
suggested by Huygens as Protestant
critic for the Meditationes, 154;
Descartes’ objection to, 156. «
Judgement on Descartes quoted, 136.
Referred to, 16, 40.
Baerle, J. van (de) ; intermediary between
Descartes and Huygens, 221, 226.
Baerle, Susanna van (de) : see Huygens,
Mme. Constantijn.
Baillet, Adrien : search for contents of
Descartes’ box of papers, xxi ff.
Inaccuracies of, xxxviii, 163, 233,
cf. 231 (confusion of Constantijn with
Christiaan Huygens) ; 123 (Reneri’s
death) ; 262 (Beaugrand and the
Complains of state of Clerselier’s edition,
33 9
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