Ainslie (John). Treatise on land surveying. A new
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Airy (George Biddell) : Young (T.). Estimate of the
effect of terms involving the square of the disturbing
force on the figure of the earth. In a letter to —.
Quart. Jour. Sci., xxi, 1826, 346-347.
Mathematical tracts on physical astronomy, the
figure of the earth, precession and nutation and the
calculus of variations.
8°, Cambridge, 1826, pp. viii, 180.
2d ed., 1831.
Figure of the earth, 61-123.
On the figure of the earth.
Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., cxvi, 1826, 548-575.
Revd. in Bull. Sci. Math. (Férussac), vu, 1827, 385-386,
e=l: 287.8.
[On the figure of the earth.]
Brit. A. A. S., Rep., i-ii, 1832, 165-169; 178-180.
Abriss einer Geschichte der Astronomie im Lauf
des 19. Jahrhunderts (1800-1832). Aus dem Eng-
lischen von C. L. Littrow.
8°, Wien, 1835.
Shape of the earth, 76-83.
On the flexure of a uniform bar supported by a
number of equal pressures applied at equi-distant
points, and on the positions proper for the applica
tions of the pressures, in order to prevent any sensi
ble alteration of the length of the bar by small flex
Roy. Astron. Soc., Month. Not., vi, 1843-’45 143-
146; xv, 1846, 157-163.
[Essay on the figure of the earth.]
In Encyclopedia of Astronomy, 4°, London, 1848, 165-
240, 3 plates.
On the figure of the earth.
Encyclopedia Metropolitana. Part 35. London,
1849, 165-240, 3 plates.
On a problem of geodesy.
Phil. Mag., xxxvi, 1850, 96-99.
Account of pendulum experiments undertaken in
the Harton Colliery, for the purpose of determining
the mean density of the earth.
Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., cxlvi, 1856, 297-
355; Roy. Astron. Soc., Month. Not., xv, 1854-’55,46;
125-126; Ann. d. Phys. (PoggendorfF), xcvm, 1856,
599-605; Ann. d. Chim., xliii, 1855,381-383; Roy.
Inst., Proc., ii, 1854-’58, 17-22 ; Am. Journ. of Sci.,
xx, 1856, 359-604 ; Bibl. Univ. Genève, xxxv, 1857,
Revd. in Roy. Astron. Soc., Month. Not., xvin, 1858, 222.
D = 6.623, and 6.566.
On the computation of the effect of the attraction
of mountain-masses, as disturbing the apparent as
tronomical latitude of stations in geodetic surveys.
Roy. Soc. London., Phil. Trans., cxlv, 1855, 101-
104; Roy. Astron. Soc., Month. Not., xvi, 1855-56,
: Schubert (T. F. de). Essai d’une détermina
tion de la véritable figure de la terre. Revd. by,
Roy. Astron. Soc., Month. Not., xix, 1859,104-170.
Airy (G. B.)—Continued.
Account of the construction of the new national
standard of length, and of its principal copies.
Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., cxlvii, 1857, 621-
Revd. in Roy. Astron. Soc., Mem. XIX, 1859, 250-263.
: Gumpach (J. von). A letter on the figure of
the earth to —
London, 1862.
Title in full under Gumpach (J. von).
[Measures of the earth and of the heavens.]
Roy. Astron. Soc., Month. Not., xxm, 1863, 70-72.
: Maclear (T.). Verification and extension of La
Caille’s Arc of Meridian. Edited by .
London, 1866.
Title in full under Maclear (T.).
: Folie (F. ). Sur le calcul de la densité de la terre
d’après les observations d’ .
Acad, de Belgique, Bull., xxxm, 1872, 389-407.
On the algebraical and numerical theory of errors
of observations and the combinations of observations.
12°, London, 1861, xvi, 103. (Gore.)
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Investigations applying to the Indian geodesy.
India, Trig. Survey, n, 1879, app. I, 3-10.
Albrecht (Theodor). Formeln und Hilfstafeln für geo
graphische Ortsbestimmungen, nebst kurzer Anlei
tung zur Ausführung derselben.
4°, Leipzig, 1873.
2d ed., Leipzig, 1879, pp. vi, 240. (Brussels, Dépôt
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dätischen Arbeiten in Preussen im Jahre 1874. ]
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Bericht über die Arbeiten des geodätischen
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Title in full under Baeyer (J. J.).
Ueber die Umkehrung der Bessel’schen Methode
der sphäroidischen Uebertragung.
Astron. Nachr.,xcvi, 1880, 209-218.
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by B[RUNS].
Bestimmungen der Länge der Seeundenpendels
in Leipzig, Dresden und dem Abrahamsschachte bei
Freiberg in den Jahren 1869-71.*
4°, Berlin, 1885.
Separatabdruck aus der iii. Abtheilung : Die astrono
mischen Arbeiten für die europäische Gradmessung
im Königreiche Sachsen.
Alembert (Jean Le Rond d’). Recherches sur la pré-
cession des équinoxes.*
4°, Paris, 1749.
Flattening of the earth is deduced from the precession of
the equinoxes in Chapter IX.
Houzeau, II, 1149.
Opuscules mathématiques, ou mémoires sur dif-
féren8 sujets de géométrie, de mécanique, d’optique,
d’astronomie, etc.
8 vols., 8°, Paris, 1761-’68.
Figure de la terre, VI, 47-259.
Alexander (C. A.) : Merino (Miguel). Figure of the
earth. Translated by —.
Smithsonian Institution, Rep. 1863, 306-330.