Full text: A Bibliography of geodesy

Alexander (J.). Concerning a place in New York for 
measuring a degree of latitude. 
Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., xlt, 1740, i, 383. 
Suggests that the Hudson Hiver he used in winter when 
frozen over from New York to Albany. 
Perrier (F.). Description géométrique de l’Algérie. Paris 
Eapport sur les travaux géodésiques en . . . Algérie. 
Int. Geod. Gong., Gen.-Ber., 1874, 25; 1877, 283-28G; 1880, 9-11; 
1886,128-129; 1887, V, 1-6. J» 
Jonction géodésique de l’Algérie avec l’Espagne. 
Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Comp. rend., lxxxix, 1879, 885-889; Ob 
servatory, ni, 1880, 326-327; Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 
1880, 47-53; Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Comp. Rend., Civ, 1887, 
Reitz (F. H.). Ueber die trigonometrische Verhindung von 
Spanien und Algérien. 
Hamburg, 1883. 
Yvon-Yillarceau (A.-J.-F.). Rapports sur les travaux géodé 
siques exécutés en Algérie. 
Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Comp. Rend., lxxxiv, 1877,1002-1014. 
Anon. Geodetic operations in Algeria. 
Yan Nostrand’s Mag., ix, 1873, 22-23. 
Jonction de la géodésie de l’Europe â la géodésie de- 
Soc. géogr., Bulb, xvin, 1879,470. 
Allé (Moriz). Zur Théorie des Gauss’sehenKrümmungs- 
K. Ak. Wiss. Wien, math.-phys. Cl., Sitz.-Ber., 
lxxiv, h, 1876, 9-38. 
Allégret (Alexandre). Mémoire sur la flexion des lignes 
géodésiques tracées sur une même surface quelconque. 
Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Comp. Rend., lxvi, 1868, 342- 
344; Les Mondes (Paris), xvii, 1868, 271 ; 423. 
Revd. in Jahrb. üb. d. Fortschr. d. Math., i, 1868, 389, 
by Bruns. 
Allg. Bauzeit (Forster), for Allgemeine Bauzeitung fur 
Architecten, Ingenieure, etc. (Forster). 
Fol., Wien,T836+. (Washington, Patent Office.) 
Allg. geog. Eph., for Allgemeine geographische Ephe- 
meriden (Zach). 
8°, Weimar, 1798-1816 (1800-T6). (Washington, 
Allg. Zeit., for Allgemeine Zeitung. 
Fol., Augsburg. (Washington, Congress.) 
Allison (William B.), Chairman. Testimony before the 
joint commission to consider the present organization 
of the Signal Service, Geological Survey, Coast and 
Geodetic Survey, and the Hydrographic Office of the 
Navy Department, with a view to secure greater effi 
ciency and economy of administration of the public 
service in said bureaus, authorized by the sundry 
civil act, approved July 7, 1884, aud continued by 
the sundry civil act, approved March 3, 1885. Mise. 
Doc., No. 82, 49th Cong., 1st session. 
8°, Washington, 1886, pp. xxxvii, 1104. (Gore.) 
Allman (George Johnston): McCullagh. On the at 
traction of ellipsoids, with a new demonstration of 
Clairaut’s theorem, being an account of the late 
Professor McCullagh’s lectures on those subjects, 
compiled by —. 
Roy. Irish Acad., Trans., xxii, 1855, 379-395. 
H. Ex. 17 21 
Alsted (Johannes Heinrich). Eiementale mathema- 
ticum, coutinentur arithmetica, geometria, geodesia, 
astronomia, geographia, musica, optica.* 
Francofurti, 1611. 
Poggendorff, I, col. 34. 
Amante (Fedele). Nouveau calcili de Bare du méridien 
entro Montjouy et Fermenterà. 
8°, Naples, 1843, pp. 28. (Paris, Observatory.) 
Memoria sulle formole da usavi ne’ calcoli geode 
tici per la riduzione degli angoli all’ orizzonte della 
Acad. sci. Napoli, Atti, i, 1843, 157-178. 
Elementi di geodesia. Parte prima. Trigono- 
metrica e geografia matematica. 
8°, Napoli, 1847. 
Communicated by Prof. E. Pergola. 
Considerazioni sulle formole adoperate comune 
mente dai geografi per calcolare le posizione geogra- 
fichi dei vertici dei triangoli geodetici. 
4°, Napoli, 1852, pp. 25. (Berlin, Geodetic Insti 
Am. Acad. Sci., Mem., for Memoirs of the American 
Academy of Arts and Sciences. 
4°, Boston, 1783-f-. (Washington, Observatory.) 
Am. Jour. Ed., for American Journal of Education. 
8°, Hartford, 1856+. (Washington, Congress.) 
Am. Jour. Sci., for The American Journal of Science, 
sometimes known as Silliman’s Journal. 
8°, New Haven, 1818+. ( Washington, Patent 
Ammanii. [Nachricht von seiner Yermessung in Augs- 
Astron. Jahrb., 1800, 113-119. 
Ammon (Franz). Lehrbuch der mathematischen und 
physischen Erdbeschreibungfur die hayrischen Gym- 
8°, Augsburg, 1829. 
Zweite verbesserte Auflage. 8°, Augsburg, 1837, 
pp. xii, 128, 156. (British Museum.) 
Yon der Gestalt der Erde, 28-39. 
Ampère (André-Marie). Théorie de la terre. 
Revue des Deux Monde»,ih, 1833, 96-107. 
From a dynamic jioint of view. 
Am. Phil. Soc., Proc., for Proceedings of the American 
Philosophical Society (held at Philadelphia, for pro 
moting useful knowledge). 
8°, Philadelphia, 1838+. (Washington, Obser 
Ì Am. Phil. Soc., Trans., for Transactions of the American 
Philosophical Society, held at Philadelphia, for pro 
moting useful knowledge. 
4°, Philadelphia, 1769+. (Washington, Obser 
Analect. Mag., for Analectic Magazine. 
8°, Philadelphia, 1813-’20 (16 vols.). (Washing 
ton, Congress.) 
Andersson (Johan Oscar). Geodetisk n iitningskuns- 
8°, Stockholm, 1876,pp. ii,236. (British Museum.)

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