Full text: A Bibliography of geodesy

Bouguer (Pierre)—Continued 
: David (J.-P.). Dissertation sur la figure de la 
terre ... la cause de réfractious que M. — assignoit 
à ce phénomène. 
La Haye, 1771. 
Title in full under David (J.-P.). 
: Grenus (T.). Besultate eiuer Yergleicliuug der 
Werke von —. 
Mon. Corr. (Zach), xvi, 1807, 238-256. 
Boulenger. Traité de la sphère du monde. Diuisé en 
quatre liures, ausquels est adrousté le cinquiesme de 
l’usage d’icelle. 
2 e éd., 8°, Paris, 1628, pp. 30,245. 
De la mesure du globe terrestre, 179-183. 
Bouquet de la Grye. Note sur l’usage du cercle méri 
dien de Bruuuer et sur son emploi dans la mesure 
des base*. 
Ann. Hydrog., xvi, 1859, 151-160. 
Bourguignon-d’An ville (Jean-Baptiste). See Anville 
(Jean-Baptiste-Bourguignon d’). 
Bourns ( Charles). Principles and practice of land en 
gineering, trigonometrical, subterraneous and marine 
surveying, with an appendix. 
8°, Loüdou, 1843, pp. 366, 7 plates. 
3d ed., 8°, London, 1846, pp. 356, 9 plates. (Ox 
ford, Bodleian.) 
Boutelle (Charles Otis). Primary base apparatus. 
U. S. C. and G. ¡Survey, Eep., 1855, 264-267. 
Descript ion of tripod and scaffold as used by him 
at primary triangulation stations. 
U. S. C. and G. Survey, Eep., 1855, 361-363. 
Geodetic night signals. Different kind of lights, 
experiments, comparison of day and night observa 
tions, expense, etc. 
U. S. C. and G. Survey, Eep., 1880, 96-109. 
On the construction of observing tripods and 
U. S. C. and G. Survey, Eep., 1882, 199-208, App. 10. 
and Schott (C. A.). Connection at Lake Ontario 
of the primary triangulation of the Coast and Geo 
detic Survey with that of the Lake Survey. 
U. S. C. and G. Survey, Eep., 1884, 387-390, App. 9. 
On geodetic reconnaissance. 
U. S. C. and G. Survey, Eep., 1885,469-481, App. 10. 
On a geodetic survey of the United States. 
Science, vu, 1886, 460-461; Van Nostrand’s Mag., 
xxxv, 1886, 38-40. 
Bowditch (Nathaniel). On the calculation of the ob 
lateness of the earth by means of the observed length 
of a pendulum in different latitudes, according to the 
method given by La Place in the second volume of 
his “ Mécanique céleste,” with remarks on other parts 
of the same work, relating to the figure of the earth. 
Am. Acad., Mem., iv, 1818, 30-49. 
: La Place (P.-S. de). Mécanique céleste. 
Translated by —. 
Boston, 1829-’39. 
Title in full under La Place (P.-S. de). 
Bradley (James). An account of some observations 
made in London, by Mr. G. Graham, and at Black 
Eiver, in Jamaica, by C. Campbell, concerning the 
going of a clock, in order to determine the difference 
Bradley (James)—Continued. 
between the lengths of isochronal pendulums in those 
Eoy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., xxxviii, 1735,302- 
The ellipticity of the earth is also deduced from these 
Experiments to determine the length of the 
pendulum vibrating seconds at Greenwhich. (H.) 
[Brande (W. T.).] A brief investigation of the prop 
erties of the geodetic curve. 
Quart. Jour. Sei., xxi, 1826, 136-137. 
A criticism of Bessel’s method of computing the curve 
of shortest distance on a spheroid, founded on the 
theorem of Taylor. 
A simple rectification of the geodetic curve. 
Quart. Jour. Sei., xxi, 1826, 153-155. 
A table of coefficients, subservient to geodetical 
Quart. Journ. Sei., xxi, 1826, 337-345. 
Brandes (Heinrich Wilhelm). Vorlesungen über die 
Astronomie, zur Belehrung derjenigen, denen es an 
mathematischen Vorkenntnissen fehlt, von H. W. 
8°, Leipzig, 1827, pp. i, viii, 255, 10 plates. (Wash 
ington Obsevratory.) 
Gestalt der Erde, 24-35. 
II. Leipzig, 1827, VIII, 273, 11 plates. 
Braniill (B. R.) and Hennessey (J. B. N.). Budhon 
meridian series. 
India, Trig. Survey, vu, 1882, i-xvi, 1-74, 1 plate. 
Gurwani meridional series. (Long. 82° 
India, Trig. Survey, viii, 1882, i-viii, 1-45. 
Gora meridional series. 
India, Trig. Survey, viii, 1882, i-ix, 1-70. 
Chendwar meridional series. 
India, Trig. Survey, vm, i-viii, 1-56. 
Braschmann (Nie. ). Note sur le mouvement de pendule 
simple. (H.) 
Acad, de St.-Pétersbourg., Bull., x, 1852, 81-86. 
Brassinne (E.). Proposition sur une question de méca 
nique relative à la figure de la terre. 
Acad. d. Sei. Paris, Comp. Bend., xcvii, 1883, 
637-639, 1137-1139. 
Braunmühl (A. von). Ueber geodätische Linien auf 
Botationsflächen und jene Einhüllenden derselben, 
welche von allen durch einen Punkt gehenden 
kürzesten Linien gebildet werden. 
8°, München, 1878, pp. 52, 1 plate. (Munich, 
Eoyal. ) 
Ueber Enveloppen geodätischer Linien. 
Math. Ann. (Clebsch), xiv, 1879, 557-566. 
Geodätische Linien und ihre Enveloppen auf 
dreiaxigen Flächen zweiten Grades. 
Math. Ann. (Clebsch), xx, 1882, 557-586. 
Ueber die reducirte Länge eines geodätischen 
Bogens und die Bildung jener Flächen deren Norma 
len eine gegebene Fläche herüben. 
K.bay. Ak. d. Wiss., math.-phys. CL, xiv, in, 1882, 

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