AO tfj ON \vrjXEi. xai elGlv dyicpdtEQai {rrjtaL' at
AO, ON ccQa Qrjtai elGl dvvdjiEL |novov Gv^lbtqol'
dnotofif] ccga ¿6tlv fj AN. xal dvvatai to AB j^a^iov
fj dga to A B %coqlov dvva^iEvvj dnoto^ifj EGtiv.
5 ’Edv kqu icoqCov nEQLExrjtac vnd Qtjtfjg xal td E^rjg.
’Edv %(oqlov itSQLExytaL vnd Qrjtfjg xccl dno-
to[ifjg dEvtEQag, fj to %coqlov dvvajiEvrj [lEGrjg
dnoto^irj sGti nQCJtrj.
10 Xcoqlov yaQ td AB jceqlexeO&co vnd (jrjtrjg trjg
AT ucd dnotofiijg devtsyag trjg A A’ Xiyco, dti fj td
AB %coqlov dvvajisvrj [isGfjg dnotojirj sGti nQootrj.
”EGtco ydg tfj A A TtQoGaQ^LO^ovGa f] AH' at ccqu
15 nQOGaQ[lot,OVGa fj AH Gv^ljlEtQOg ¿Gti tfj EXXEL^lEVrj
Qrjtfj tfj AT, f] ds dXrj f] AH trjg ngoGaQjio^ovGYjg
trjg HA ¡liel^ov dvvatai too and GvjijiitQOV iccvtfj [ifjKEi.
Enel ovv fj AH trjg HA {iel£ov dvvatai tco and Gvji-
yiEtQov ¿avtfj, sdv aqa tip tEtdgtcp [ieqel tov and trjg
20 HA i’Gov nagd tfjv AH naQafiXrj&fj iXXstnov Eidsi
tstgaycova, Eig Gv^i^iEtQa avtfjv diaiQEt. t£t[irjG&co
ovv f] AH di%a xatd td E' xal tco and trjg EH iGov
nagd tfjv AH naQafiEfihjG&co iXXstnov Eidsi tstQaycova,
2. ON] NO e corr. V. stair V, sed v del. 4. to AB
uqu Y. 5. Kcd td s^rjg] ncci dnozofirjg TtQcozrjg, f] to x co Q t ' ov
dvvapsvrj dnozo^fi iaziv Theon (BFVb). 8. ¡rear] BFYb
et P, sed corr. in. 1. 11. A A] AB b; Ss A A P, corr. m. 1.
12. AB] corr. ex A A Y. fisarj BFb, et Y, corr. m. 2. 14.
HA] AH F. dvvaiisvrj Y, corr. m. 2. 16. ttjs] om. F.
17. HA] eras. Y. Ante avjif.iszQov ras. 1 litt. V. 18.
AH] H in ras. Y. t?]s] corr. ex zrj m. 2 Y. 19. tot]