Full text: [Disquisitiones arithmeticae] (1. Band)

i-atiociniis nostris non supposuerimus, transformationes esse diversas: una adeo 
transformatio bis considerata solutionem praebere debet. Tum ,vero fit propter 
a = a, d = ^etc. a = a, b' — h, c=c, adeoque T=m, U=0, quae solutio 
per se est obvia. , 
lam primam transformationem solutionemque aequationis indeterminatae 
tamquam cognitas consideremus, et quomodo hinc altera transformatio deduci pos 
sit, sive quomodo d, b', y, b', ab his a, b, y, 3, T, U pendeant, investigemus. 
Ad hunc finem multiplicamus primo aequationem [1] per 8 a — by', [2] per 
ab'— yb', [3] per ay'—y d, [4] per ya—ay, addimusque producta, unde 
{e-(- e) a = [a 8'—by — y b'-)- 3 d) a [15] 
Simili modo fit ex 
(6 6' - S 8') ([1] - [2]) + (« 6 i ~ T S' + B a) ([3] + [4]) + (a T ' - T a') ([B]-[6]) 
2 [e-\-e)b'= 2[ab'— by'—yb'-f-3a')& [16] 
Denique ex (S b'— b 8') ([3] — [4]) -j- [ab — yb)[5] -f- [ba by) [6] prodit: 
[ee)c = [ab' — by'— yt) 8 d)c [17 ; 
Substituendo hos valores (15, 16, 17) in 13 fit 
{e-\-e')T=[ab' — by'-yb'+3«')[%a + 293 6 +(Ec) 
■2eT=[ab’ — by'—yb'-j-ba')m [18] 
unde T multo facilius deduci potest, quam ex [13]. — Combinando hanc ae 
quationem cum 15, 16, 17 obtinetur ma = T a, Imh =2Tb, mc =.Tc. Quos 
valores ipsorum a',2b',c in aequ. 7 —12 substituendo et loco ipsius TT scri 
bendo mm-\-D UU, transeunt illae post mutationes debitas in has 
[a y' — ydfmm = aaZIU 
a y' — y a') [a b' -f- b y — y b' — 3 a') mm = 2 ab UU

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