Full text: [Disquisitiones arithmeticae] (1. Band)

(1.2) = a an 
(1.3) = aan 
(1.4) = a h'n-\- a h"n 
(1.5) = aan 
(1.6) = dh tt"—(— dh" n 
(1.7) = ah ti'—(— d'h'n 
(1.8) = bdn"+bb"n-\-db"n-{-&nnn\ 
(2, 3) — ah"n'—ah'vi' 
(2.4) = aevi 
(2, 5) = dh"n — dhn 
(2.6) = den 
(2.7) = h h"n-f- h'h"n — h h'n— © nnn", 
(2.8) = h e"vi—[— h'c"ll 
(3.4) = a en 
(3.5) = a"h'n — a"bn 
(3.6) = hbV+b’b"n — bb"xi— ©mfn' 
(3.7) — a" en 
(3.8) = h ctt"—j— b"cn 
(4, 5) =r. b'h"n — h h'n— hh"vi-\- © n nn' 
(4.6) = den — h e n 
(4.7) = h"cn—h en 
(4.8) = e en 
(5.6) = catt" 
(5, 7) = e an 
(5.8) = h'cn-\-h"cn 
(6.7) = h"cn — den 
(6.8) = e en 
(7.8) = e en" 
quas per 0 designabimus, novemque aliae : 
(10) (11) —(9) (12) = anVW 
(1) (12) — (2) (11) — (3) (10) (4) (9) = 2an'n"S3 
(2) (3) — (1)(4) = anW'(E 
— (9) (16)-j-(10) (l5)-f-(1 1) (14) —(12) (13) = ^hnd'% 
(1)(16)-(2)(15)-(3)(14) + {4){13)/ 4h , t . s 
+ (5) (1 2) - (6) (11) — (7) (10) + (8) (9) ^ 
— (l)(8) + (2)(7) + (3)(6)-(4)(5) = 26nV'S 
(14) (15) —(13) (16) = ennVi 
(5) (16)— (6) (15) — (7) (14) + (8) (13) = 2ctt'n"S3 
(6) (7) —(5) (8) = ciflf'(E 
quas designabimus per ¥*). 
IV. Originem omnium harum 37 aequationum deducere nimis prolixum 
foret; sufficiet quasdam confirmavisse, ad quarum instar reliquae haud difficulter 
demonstrari poterunt. 
*) Observare convenit, 1 8 alias aequationes his 4 r similes erui posse, in quibus ad dextram loco tacto 
rum a, 2b, e habeantur a', 2h', e'; a”, 2b", e": sed has quum ad institutum nostrum non sint necessariae 

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