Full text: [Höhere Arithmetik] Theorematis arithmetici (2. Band)

W 2 — 2 r* n n [9] 
lam facile perspicietur, r* n esse vel = -J-i vel = —i, prout scilicet k vel 
formae 4p-)-t sit, vel formae 4p-j-3, Et quum sit 
2 i = (l-)-z) 2 , — 2 i = (1 — ¿) 2 
erit in casu eo, ubi k est formae 4jjl—{—1, 
W =+(l-jadeoque T = U — -\- \/n 
in casu altero autem, ubi k est formae 4pt —)— 3, 
TF=+( 1—i)\Jn, adeoque T= —U = -\~\Jn 
Methodus art. praec. valores absolutos functionum T, U suppeditavit, con 
ditionesque assignavit, sub quibus signa aequalia vel opposita illis tribuenda sint: 
sed signa ipsa hinc nondum determinantur. Hoc pro eo casu, ubi statuitur k = 1, 
sequenti modo supplebimus. 
Statuamus p = cos 4- w -J- z sin 4- to, ita ut fiat r = p p, patetque, propter 
p w = — 1 aequationem [8] ita exhiberi posse 
W= 2(1 + p” _s )(1+P _4 )(1 + p" _0 )(1+P _8 ). ■ .(l+r” +4 )(l + p J ) 
sive factoribus alio ordine dispositis 
w= 2(1H-f. 2 )(1 p- 4 ) (1 -f-p°) (1-Hp- 8 ). . ,(l + p-»+ 4 )(l+p— 2 ) 
lam fit 
1 -f— p 2 — 2 p cos 4-10 
1 p 4 = 2 p —2 costo 
1 —1— p 0 = 2p 3 cos-|o) 
l-j- p —8 = 2 p~ 4 cos 2 to etc. 
usque ad 
l-hp -n_H == 2 p — * n + 2 C0S {frn — 1) <0 
1 -(- p n ~ 2 = 2 p" n ~ 1 cos (|- n — 4-) w 
Quamobrem habetur

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