Full text: [Allgemeine Analysis] Theoria combinationis observationum erroribus minimis obnoxiae (3. Band)

[94] A = aff {1 — Æ?) a + ê + 1 ~Y Qd -^~- Pd ® 
Prorsus simili modo habetur 
[95] B = œ<( 1—^a+6+l- ï: Sde-QdÆ 
[96] C = oct{l — i r)“+ 6 + 1 -T?-i-g-r..- pd :g 
Constantes a4, J5, C facile determinantur per methodum sequentem. 
Pro x = 0, fit P = 1 ; porro x¡ Q — a?P(a + l—y> ^+1—T’ 2 —7, <2?) 
fit = 0 pro <2? = 0 ; ipsius differentiale autem per do? divisum, puta 
T# Y_1 fit =1; hinc colligitur — Y pro <r=0, adeoque 
= y—1 
Ut vero etiam B et C determinemus, resumamus aequationem 
R ==/(a, fi, y)P +/(a + l —y, ^+ 1 ~T> 2 ~ï) Q 
quae differentiata dat 
sf =/( a ' 6 ' Tr)äl+/{ a + 1 —T’ —ï- 2 —r)av ; 
Multiplicando primam per 4^, secundam per Q, fit subtrahendo 
QdX — HdQ 
QdP — PdQ 
d* = /(ct, 6, T ) —-, w 
B — (\—.r\-f(r, ,A — n(q + 6—T)n(l — t) 
fl — y]f(n fi y] — — V mi— 
c n (a—y) n (6—y) 
Similiter multiplicata aequatione priore per posteriore per P, subtractio dat 
= /( a + l — Y’ ^+1 —p 2 —y) 
QdP— Pd Q 
C= (T-1)/(«+t- T> «+1-Ï. *—T) = "fclJgV 
Si magis placet, hae tres aequationes etiam ita exhiberi possunt, ut functio 
nes derivatae , ^¡7 per functiones finitas exprimantur; ita e. g. fit for 
mula 96,

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