Full text: [Allgemeine Analysis] Theoria combinationis observationum erroribus minimis obnoxiae (3. Band)

A H(g+ 6—a) II ( 2) -n II (g + 6 — j) n (— -§) 
n(g—i)D(6— i) ’ D(g—1)11(6 —l) 
Hinc colligere licet, esse 
[107] F{2 a, 26, a —J—6 —J— -J-, = AF{a, 6, 4-, #) — H\/<*?.F(a+|-, g + i>ih ®) 
Qnodsi cui haec conclusio haud satis legitima videatur, (quam tamen extra 
omne dubium collocare haud difficile foret) ad eandem aequationem sequenti modo 
pervenire possemus. Ex aequatione 87 iit 
F{2 a, 26, a+ 8+4, !±^) = C-F(2a, 26, a+8+4, '-=^) 
+D C~)■-“-« F[ 1 — 2 a. 1 — 2 6. f— a _ 8. '-=±) 
statuendo brevitatis caussa 
p II (g ~t~ 6 — \) II ( \ g — 6) ~r\ H(tt + 6 —f)II(g + 6 —f) 
II(g — 6— £)II(6—g — £) ’ II(2g—1)11(26—l) 
Ex aequatione 104 autem facile deducitur 
-F(l—2a, 1 — 26, f—a —6, = F[\ — a, f—8, f — a — 6, 1 — *) 
= EF($—a,i — 6,i,x) + G\/x.F{l—a. 1—6,*,®) 
statuendo brevitatis caussa 
p— a —6)fl(—j) p II (f — g— 6) II (—-|) 
" — II (— g) II (— 6) ’ ^ — H(—i-g)Il(—i-6) 
Hinc rursus sequitur per aequationem 8 2 
.F(l —2a. 1 — 28,1— a—8,1=^) 
= £(l_®)' l + i -*f’(a,6,+,®)4-C?v/®.(l-®) , ‘ +8 -*i’(a+|-, 8+4, f,®) 
His substitutis colligitur statuendo 
AC-\-DE2 2a + 26 ~ 1 = J*f, 5C-j- D G2 2a + 2§_1 = JV 
-F(2a, 28, ct+6 + 4, i±^) = 8, 4, ®) + 2\ty® ..F(a+4, 8+4-, f, x) 
cuius forma convenit cum aequatione 107. lam possemus quidem e sola natura 
functionis II derivare M = A, N= —B, quum per aequ. 55, 56 facile demon 
stretur, esse 
cos(g—6) i: 
D E1 ia +i6-t 
2 sin g 7t sin 6 7Ü 
D G 2 г “ +s6 ’- , 
cos (g +6) 7i ’ 
2 cos g Tr cos 6 r. 
cos (g -(- 6) 7i

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