Full text: [Allgemeine Analysis] Theoria combinationis observationum erroribus minimis obnoxiae (3. Band)

a = — 29° 
= — 105596" 
A = 
— 2 
b = —16 
6 47 
= — 58007 
B = 
— 1 
c = — 2 
33 56 
= — 9236 
C = 
d = —|— 11 
13 2 
= + 40382 
D = 
+ 1 
e = +25 
7 6 
= + 90426 
E = 
+ 2 
t = 0 
Hinc computatur 
(t— b) (t—c) (t— d) (t— e) 
(a — b) [a— c) (a — d) (a—e) 
(;t — a) (t — c) (t — d) (t— e) 
(6 —a) (b — c) (6—<f)(* — e) 
(t—a) (t—b) {t—d) {t — e) 
(c — a) (c — b) [c — d ) (c — e) 
(i — a) (t — b) (i — c) (i—e) 
{d—a){d — b) (d — c)(d — e) 
(;t — a) (t — b) (t — c) (t — d) 
(e — a) (e — b) (e — c) (e — d ) 
= +0,0149084 
— —0,1050060 
= +0,9624567 
== +0,1434435 
= — 0,0157429 
His coëfficientibus # ) per —2, —1, 0, 1, 2 resp. multiplicatis, productorum summa 
fit =+0,1872069; quare novilunium erit 16 Junii, 4 h 29'34"7 temp. ver. 
Paris, sive 4 h 29'4l"4 temp. med.; Connaissance des tems habet 4 h 27'42". 
Sit X functio arcus indeterminati oc huius formae 
a+ot'cosa?+a"cos2#+a"'cos3a?+ etc. 
+ i)'sina?+i)"sin2a?+l)"'sin3<2?+ etc. 
quae non excurrat in infinitum, sed cum cos moc et sinmo? abrumpatur, ita 
ut multitudo coeificientium (incognitorum) sit 2w+l. Pro totidem valoribus di 
versis ipsius x, puta a, b, c, d etc, dati sint valores respondentes functionis X, 
puta A, B, C, D . . . (Ceterum valores ipsius x, quorum differentia est periphe- 
ria integra sive eius multiplum, manifesto hic pro diversis haberi nequeunt). Ex 
his datis quaeritur formula pro valore T, quem functio X pro quocunque alio 
valore ipsius x, puta t nanciscitur. Habentur itaque 2?w + 2 aequationes 
*) Confirmationi calculi inservit observatio ex art. 5 sine negotio derivanda, summam harum coefficien- 
tium esse debere = i.

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