Full text: [Allgemeine Analysis] Theoria combinationis observationum erroribus minimis obnoxiae (3. Band)

X sta- 
t, qnod 
n art. 2, 
e sequi- 
W = 
A cos (4 a + k) 
sin 4 (a — b) sin 4 (a — c) sin \ (a — d ).... sin 4 [a — t ) 
.5 cos (4 b -f- &) 
sin-£(6 — a) sin%{b — c)sin\(b — d ) sin|(6 — t) 
sin4(c— d) sin £ (c — è)sin£( c — d) sinf (c — ¿) 
D cos (4 d + k) 
i sin4(d— a) sin 4(d—&)sin4(d —c) .... sin4(d—t) 
-f- etc. 
T cos (4 £ + &) 
' sin ^ (i — a) sin(t — b) sin 4- [t — c) sin 4 (f — d). . . . 
Quodsi iam quantitatem k, quae prorsus arbitraria est, = — \t ponimus, 
summam autem a + 6 + c+d+ ... = ^ (exclusa t), prodit, multiplicando per 
sin i(t—a) smi{t—b)smi{t—c)smi{t — d).... 
sin 4- (t — b) sin 4 {t c) sin 4 — d) .. 
sin 4- (a — b) sin 4- (a — c) sin 4 (a — d). 
sin 4- (i — a) sin4~(i — c) sin j jt — d). 
i sin 4(6 — a) sin4(6 — c)sin4(6 — d). . 
sin4- (t — a) sin4~ {t 6) sin 4{t d). . 
sin 4 (c—o) sin4 (c — 6)sin4(c — d).. 
A cos £ [t—a) 
i? cos £ (i— h) 
Ceos £ (t — c) 
sin 4 (t-a) i (t - 6) sin 4 (t-- C). . „ J9 cos 1 (i _ d) 
sin 4 {d — a) sin 4 (d — b) sin 4 (d — c) .... 
-f- etc. 
_l_ 2 2m-i i -2m si n£( i _a)sini(t— c)sin£(*—-d) . . . 
x ja m cos-|-s4-6 m sin4-5} 
Circa hanc formulam quasdam adhuc annotationes adiicimus 
I. Est i zm — +1, vel —1, prout m par est vel impar. 
II. Quum formula indefinite pro quovis valore ipsius t valeat, necessario, 
evolutis sinuum productis in sinus et cosinus arcuum multiplicium, cum formula 
pro X, si pro x scribitur t, identica erit, i. e. cura 
a-j-a' cosi-j-o c °8 2 i —etc. 
-|-^ , sini-|-^"sin2i-f- etc. 
III. Determinantur itaque omnes coefficientes a, a, fi', a", fi" etc. per quan 
titates cognitas, atque unicam incognitam a^cos^s-f-f? m sin|-s, quamobrem, si 
qua inter illos relatio insuper datur, omnes ex asse facile poterunt assignari. 
36 *

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