Full text: [Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung und Geometrie] (4. Band)

turae in hoc loco superficiei curvae erit 
£ dl.8 r-df.SZ 
da;. oy — dy . 5« 
Quodsi iam supponimus, indolem superficiei curvae datam esse secundum modum 
tertium in art. 4 consideratum, habebuntur X et Y in forma functionum quan 
titatum oc, y, unde erit 
dX = (|f)d*+(*-f) d y 
dr=(^)d^ + (|f)d^ 
«F= (£)«.+(£)* 
Substitutis his valoribus, expressio praecedens transit in hanc; 
j /dl w df, ,dJ w dr. 
^ 'da? ) (dv ) (dv ) (da: ) 
Statuendo ut supra 
atque insuper 
d z , dz 
da: t ' dy U 
ddz rp ddz jj ddz j 7 
da:® ’ da;.dy ’ dy* 
d t = Tdx-Y Uày, du = Uàæ-\- Vdy 
habemus ex formulis supra datis 
X =—tZ, Y =.—uZ, (■\-\-tt-\-uu)ZZ 
atque hinc 
dX = —Zdt — tdZ 
dF = —Zdu — udZ 
(1 —j~ tt —(— u uj d Z—{— Z [t d t —}— ud w) = 0 
d Z = —Z* [tdt-\-udu) 
dX = -Z^[\.-\-uu)dtZ* tudu 
dF" = Z^ tudt — X ,J (l —}— t i) d u

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