Full text: [Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung und Geometrie] (4. Band)

log sin(i/°) — 0"583)— logsin(i?( 2 ) —0"583) — log sin(i?( 3 ) —0"382) 
—|— log sin^'- 4 ) — 0"382)— log sin(t/ 6 ) — 0"414) + log sin{v^ — 0"414) 
— log sin (*/ 16 ) — 0"3 89)-)- log sin (i/ 17 ) — 0"3 89) — log sin (i/ 19 ) — 0"3 68) 
+ log sin (i/ 20 ) — 0"368) = 0 
Superfluum videtur, alteram in forma finita adscribere. His duabus aequationi 
bus respondent sequentes, ubi singuli coeiRcientes referuntur ad figuram septi 
mam logarithmorum briggicorum; 
17,068(0) —20,174 (2)— 16,993 (3) + 7,328 (4)— 17,976 (6)+22,672(7) 
— 5,028(1 6)4-21,780(17)— 19,710(19)4~ 11,67 1 (20) = —371 
17,976(6)— 0,880 (8) —20,617 (9) + 8,564(10)—19,082(13)4- 4,375(14) 
-1- 6,7 98(18) — 11,671(20)4-1 3,657(21) —25,620(23)— 2,995(24) 
4-33,854(25) = 4-370 
Quum nulla ratio indicata sit, cur observationibus pondera inaequalia tri 
buamus , statuemus = p( 2 ) etc. = 1. Denotatis itaque correlatis ae 
quationum conditionalium eo ordine, quo aequationes ipsis respondentes exhibui 
mus, per A, B, C, D, F, F, G, H, I, K, L, M, N, prodeunt ad illorum deter 
minationem aequationes sequentes: 
— 2"l97 = 5H+C+D + H + /?+Z + 5,917iV 
— 0,436 == 6.B + .E+F+ 6?4- I +Zl + -L+2,962 il/ 
— 3,958 = 4+3 C — 3,106 .M 
4-0,722 = 4+3/)—9,665ikf 
— 0,753 = 4+H+3jE+4,6961/+ 17,096 N 
+ 2,355 = B-\-3F— 12,053 iV 
— 1,201 == H + 3 G— 14,707iV 
— 0,461 = 4 + 3/Z+16,7524f 
+ 2,596 — 4 + B + 31—8,039M—4,874 iV 
+ 0,043 = /?+ 3 K — 1 1 ,963 JV 
— 0,616 = J5 + 3jL+ 30,859iV 
— 371 = -J- 2,962/3— 3,106 C—9,665 D + 4,696 J5+ 16,7 52 -HT—8,039/ 
+ 2902,27 M— 4 59, 33 N 
+ 37 0 = + 5,9174+17,096//— 1 2,053F— 14,7 07 G— 4,87 4/ 
— 1 1,963 K + 30,859Z/ — 459,33il/+3385,96iV

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