Full text: [Allgemeine Analysis] Theoria combinationis observationum erroribus minimis obnoxiae (3. Band)

Nullo negotio perspicitur, integralia 
/• cos 2'd 2' 
J (G + G' cos 2' 2 + G" sin 2'*) * 
p sin T d 2' 
■ (G + G'cos T~ -j- G"sin 2’ 2 )l 
p cos 2' sin T d T 
•- (G+G'cos2 T2 + G ,, sin2 ,2 )f 
a T = 180° usque ad T= 360° extensa obtinere valores aequales iis, quos 
nanciscantur, sia T = 0 usque ad P — 180° extendantur, sed signis oppo 
sitis affectos; quapropter ista integralia a T = 0 usque ad T — 360° extensa 
manifesto fiunt = 0. Hinc colligimus . esse 
j. p((y— ea) a G — (y'—e a') a'G'cos 2’ 2 — (y"—e a") a” G" sin 2 Tg )d 2' 
’ J 2za(G + G'cos 2 12 + G"sin T z )f 
p((y — ea)§G — (y'— e a' )g'G'cos T 2 — (y"— ea")g"G"sin 2 12 )d 2 T 
^ •' 2 (G + G'cos 2 12 + G"sin 2 12 )f 
^ p((y—ea)y + (y'—ea')y'cos T 2 + (y"—ea")y"sin 2 T2 ) Cd 2’ 
J 2tt(G + G'cos 2 ,2 + G"sin 2 ,2 )f 
intettralibus a T=0 usque ad T— 360° extensis. Quodsi itaque valores in- 
tegralium, eadem extensione acceptorum, 
r cos T 2 d T 
2 ((G 4- G') cos 2' 2 + {G + G") sin T 2 )î 
■* sin T 2 d T 
J 2T:((G + G')cosr 2 +(G+G")sinr 2 )f 
per P, Q denotamus, erit 
at = ({l-ea)aG—{ 1 , —ea r )aG')P+({ 1 -eo.)aG—[f-ea)a"G")Q 
¿q = ((y— ea)b6r — (y'—<?a)t)'6r')P-}-((y — ea)^G—(y"—ea")t)”G") Q 
C = ((y —ea)y +(f —ea )y) CP -f-((y — ea) y -f (y"—ea)Y')CQ 
quo pacto problema nostrum complete solutum est.

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