Full text: General reports (Part 3)

G VI - 1 
Vili. Internationaler Kongreß für Photogrammetrie 
Stockholm 1956 
Auf dem VII. Internationalen Kongreß für Pho 
togrammetrie in Washington 1952 wurden für Kommission VI 
(Unterricht, Terminologie und Bibliographie - Präsident: 
Hofrat Ing. Karl Neumaier, Sekretär: Professor 
Dr.Ing. Alois B a r v i r) folgende Resolutionen, die 
nun im Originalwortlaut wiedergegeben werden, angenommen: 
A. Concerning the polyglot dictionary the following resolu 
tions were approved by the final plenary session: 
1) The leading language of the polyglot dictionary should 
be English, 
2) The extent and the number of words to be included in 
the dictionary should be left to the discretion of 
the editors. However, due consideration should be 
given to suggestions of national societies contribut 
ing to the compilation of the dictionary, 
3) In editing the polyglot dictionary the proper agencies 
of UNESCO should be approached for advice to standards 
in editing international dictionaries. 
B. Concerning the bibliography of photogrammetrie literature 
and patents: 
Each national society should prepare annually a biblio 
graphy of all photogrammetrie literature published and 
patents applied for in their country. The bibliography 
and list of patents should be forwarded annually to 
the chairman of Commission VI. 
The titles of the bibliography or list of patents 
should be followed by a concise resume of the contents 
in at least two languages, one of them preferably in 

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