Full text: Close-range imaging, long-range vision

of Plane 
The process 
xecuted until 
js to reflect 
'd area-based 
| preliminary 
(a. The aerial 
200 dpi. The 
parallax (see 
M model and 
mpared and 
image in the 
rapping, shift 
or comparing 
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g result. The 
based on its 
or comparison. 
- experiments. 
ts, and Figure 
d 13 illustrate 
ap) of typical 
vith enhanced 
illustration of 
yme buildings 
de and sharp 
| of enhanced 
ig results have 
|. model where 
| image 
(a) Left image (b) Right image 
Figure 10. Detected and matched edges 
uz M Va = ta ex 
(a) Shift vectors (b) Depth map 
Figure 12. Processing results of typical ANM 
(a) Shift vectors (b) Depth map 
(a) Case of typical ANM 
Figure 14. Enlarged illustrations of depth map 
Figure 13. Processing results of enhanced multi-cluster ANM 
(b) Case of enhanced 
multi-cluster ANM 
In this paper, we have proposed a stereo matching technique 
with improved Adaptive Nonlinear Mapping by area-based 
multi-cluster model. Preliminary experimental results showed 
the effectiveness of the proposed approach for reconstruction of 
DSM where plane approximations were adequately processed. 
In this study only horizontal plane approximations were 
considered for clustering. The proposed approach is also 
capable of further improving stereo matching in urban area by 
considering planes of multiple directions. 
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