Full text: Close-range imaging, long-range vision

il Models 
im Search 
h Tree 
t is used to create a 
del Image, Region of 
ample images. Thus, 
ameters (position and 
| each image. These 
omponents that form 
leading to the final 
t and the face are 
ey show the same 
holds for all initial 
> body. They are also 
; are built for each of 
ind searched in the 
Is of the components 
the final models. The 
ach pair of the rigid 
' pose parameters and 
represents the model 
by the ROI (white 
mages that show the 
stored in a fully connected directed graph, where the vertices 
represent the object parts and the link between vertices i and j 
describes the overall movement of part j relatively to part ;. By 
computing the shortest arborescence of the graph we are able to 
ascertain a hierarchical search tree that incorporates an optimum 
search strategy in the sense that the search effort is minimized. 
Finally, the hierarchical model consists of the final models of 
the rigid object parts, the relations between the parts, and the 
optimum search strategy. Figure 4 shows the search tree and the 
corresponding search ranges for each part, which are described 
in the relations. 
Figure 4. Result of the automatic hierarchical model 
generation. The vertices in the search tree correspond to the 
reference points (center of gravity) of each final model part. 
The search tree represents the optimum search strategy, e.g., 
the left hand is searched relatively to the left arm and not 
relatively to the upper body since the search range is smaller. 
The relative search ranges for the reference point of each part 
are visualized by white rectangles. The orientation Search 
range is visualized by white circle sectors. 
The hierarchical model can then be used to search the entire 
object containing the movable parts in an arbitrary search 
image. This is performed by searching the model parts in the 
image using the chosen similarity measure. Note that only one 
part must be searched within the entire search range, whereas 
the remaining parts can be searched in a very limited search 
space, which is defined by the relations in combination with the 
search tree. 
In this section the single steps of the algorithm, which were 
introduced in section 2, are explained in detail. 
3.1 Initial Decomposition 
In the first step, the object, which is defined by the ROI in the 
model image, is initially broken up into small components. This 
can be done either automatically or interactively by the user. 
The condition the initial decomposition must fulfill is that each 
rigid object part must be represented by at least one component; 
otherwise the algorithm is not able to split this component later 
on and to find the rigid object parts automatically. Therefore, an 
over-segmentation should be preferred. However, very small 
components fail the property of being unique, but this can be 
balanced by our approach (see section 3.2). In our current 
implementation, edges are extracted in the model image by ap- 
plying a threshold on the Sobel filter amplitude. The connected 
components of the edges are treated as individual initial com- 
ponents. Small components are either eliminated or affiliated to 
neighboring components. In Figure 5 the components are 
visualized by different colors. 
Other grouping methods or combinations of them could also be 
included in our approach: Gestalt psychology has uncovered a 
set of principles guiding the grouping process in the visual 
domain (Wertheimer, 
1923; Koffka, 1935; 
Rock and Palmer, 1990). 
Computer vision has 
taken advantage of these 
principles, e.g., in the 
field of perceptual © 
organization and J| 
grouping (Ullman, 1979; eo t U 
Marr, 1982; Witkin and eL» | ec 
Tenenbaum, 1983; 
Lowe, 1985;). | 
Figure 5. The initial decomposition 
based on image edges results in 18 
3.2 Initial Model 
Generation and Search 
We use an implementation of the similarity measure presented 
in (Steger, 2001) as recognition approach to search the initial 
components in the example images. This approach uses image 
pyramids to speed up the recognition — like most 
implementations of conventional object recognition methods. 
However, one has to take care of unfavorable scale-space 
effects. In scale-space the edges of the model are influenced by 
neighboring edges. This is uncritical in most cases when dealing 
with large objects since there are still enough edges in the 
model left that are not influenced by neighboring edges and 
therefore still enable a good match. However, some problems 
occur when dealing with small objects, like the initial 
components in our example, since the ratio between the number 
of model edges and the number of neighboring edges is 
becoming small, i.e., the influence of the neighboring edges is 
In Figure 6, the principle is shown using a 1D gray value 
profile, which includes two edges. Only the left edge belongs to 
the model whereas the right is a neighboring edge. In scale- 
space the disturbance of the model edge caused by the 
neighboring edge increases with the degree of smoothing 
(sigma). This problem could be avoided if we would not use 
image pyramids within the recognition method. However, this 
would lead to high computation times that are not suitable. 
Therefore, our solution is to extrapolate the gray values at the 
model border to the surrounding area to eliminate the disturbing 
neighboring edge (cf. Figure 7). Other, more sophisticated, 
approaches explicitly model the edges and subsequently 
reconstruct the gray values in the surrounding of the edges 
(Elder, 1999). These could be incorporated easily. 

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