Full text: Close-range imaging, long-range vision

C. Balletti, F. Guerra, NM3 digit: the DLT algorithm in a digital 
photogrammetrical software for the survey teaching in The 
measurament, in Italy — Canada 2001 Workshop “3D digital 
Imaging and Modeling application of: Heritage, Industry, 
Medicine & Land”, Padova, 2001 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote G. Gianfrate, Studio, progettazione e realizzazione prototipale 
Sensing, Volume XXXII, Part 6W4, ISPRS WG VI/3 
International Cooperation and Technology Transfert, 
Perugia il 16-20, 1998. 
F. Guerra, C. Balletti, L. Pezzati, R. Fontana, E. Pampaloni, R. 
Scopigno, C. Rocchini Laser scanning for shape 
di uno scanner laser a tempo di volo per il rilievo 
architettonico e archeologico, graduating thesis, tutor prof. 
A. Rizzo, dott. L. Pezzati, University of Lecce, A.A. 

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