Full text: Close-range imaging, long-range vision

During the summer of 2002 a digital airborne hyperspectral 
acquisition has been carried on. . A Mivis sensor with a spectral 
resolution of 102 bands has been used in order to generate 
thematic maps suitable for the field work. Particular attention 
has been devoted to 3D recontruction (slope, aspect and shaded 
DEM processing) and to 3D draping of the above mentioned 
data on the available DEM (Fig 10). 
A simplified land cover map has also been derived (Fig. 11) in 
order to give a bothanic characterisation of the study area. 
Fig. 10 — Geometric high resolution digital image draped 
on a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) 
The project has been financed by MURST and the Marcovaldo 
Cultural Society. 
We would like to thank Prof. Monti of Politecnico di Milano, 
who coordinates the Italian Ministry of University and scientific 
research (MURST) COFIN 2000 Project. 
Fig. 11 — Land use classified map draped on a Digital 
Elevation Model (DEM) 
We Would like to thank Prof. Monti of Politecnico di Milano 
who coordinates the COFIN 2000 (a MURST project). 
Albery, E, Boccardo, P, Spanó, A, 2001. Un sistema 
informativo territoriale per le indagini di archeologia 
medioevale: il Marchesato di Saluzzo, in Proceedings of 5" 
ASITA National Conference,La qualità nell'informazione 
Albery, E, Boccardo, P, Spand, A, 2001 A new concept GIS for 
archaelogical studies, in Proceedings of CIPA International 
Simposium "Surveying and Documentation of Historic 
Buildings - Monuments - Sites Traditional and Modern 
Methods ". 

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