Full text: Close-range imaging, long-range vision

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ecording on 
nts of a 3D 
surface. By way of spin images one may associate a collection 
of images to a 3D surface mesh, as every point of the surface 
can generate a spin-image. Two surfaces representing the same 
object from different view-points will be associated to two sets 
of different spin images: corresponding points in the common 
region between two 3D images will have similar spin-images 
(not identical, due to noise and discretization effects) because 
spin-images exclusively depend on shape’s characteristics. The 
problem of determining the common region between two 3D 
images in this way can be turned into the recognition of the 
most similar images of two image sets, a well studied problem 
for which a number of techniques are available. 
Figure 3: example of spin-image of a point of the amphora 
In presented work surface matching is achieved by matching 
oriented points using spin-images. Spin-images from points on 
one surface are compared to spin-images from points on another 
surface; when two spin-images are similar, a point correspon- 
dence between the surfaces is established. This approach requi- 
res therefore to define a way of ranking matches between spin- 
images. To this aim a similarity measure has been developed, 
which is based on the computation of a linear correlation 
C(P,0)=(atamb(R(P,0)}* ~ A) @) 
In this formula, N represents the number of overlapping pixels 
used in the computation of correlation coeficient R, then it takes 
into account the effect of the size of the overlapping area, while 
A is a weight term, discriminating the point at which the overlay 
becomes important for comparison of spin-images. Through the 
factor N, spin-images having a reduced common area will 
provide a low similarity measure, even in presence of an high 
correlation between them, avoiding in this way the use of less 
meaningful correspondences. The assumption of linear correla- 
tion can be justified noting that two spin-images from proximal 
points on the surface of two different views of the same object 
will be linearly related because the number of points that fall in 
corresponding bins will be similar (provided that the two surfa- 
ces have the same point distribution). Therefore, established a 
way to comparing and ranking spin-images pairs based on simi- 
larity measure, an algorithm for determination of point 
correspondences between oriented points on partially overlap- 
ping view pairs, can be implemented. 
Firstly, spin-images are generated for all surface points of one 
mesh (A). Next, for each point of a subset of surface points of 
the second mesh (B), the corresponding spin-image is compu- 
ted. Each of these spin-images is correlated with all the images 
of mesh A and the similarity measure for each image pair is 
calculated. Resulting values are stored in a histogram, in which 
possible upper outliers are searched for, because they represent 
plausible point correspondences between their associated 
oriented points. The end result of this procedure, repeated for 
each point of subset of mesh B, is represented by a list of 
possible correpondences between points of the two meshes. 
Figure 4 shows the correspondences detected on the surface of a 
little statue for two spin-images. The number and the way the 
point subset of mesh B are selected, affects play a prominent 
role for the global effectiveness and performance of the 
algorithm. The better approach would involve the selection of a 
limited number of points belonging to the overlapping area 
between the meshes. 
20 0  -20 40 80 80 100 
Figure 4: detected correspondences btw 2 spin-images 
Since no a priori information is available about this zone, the 
points are randomly choosen. Anyway, on the ground of several 
test, in the current implementation of the algorithm the number 
of these points is set to 1/20 of the total amount of the vertices 
of mesh B. 
In order to compute an initial estimate of rototranslation 
parameters between two partially overlapping views, at least 
three point correspondences need to be established. Spin-image 
matching drastically reduces the number of possible point corre- 
spondences by associating only view points that have similar 
spin-images. However, the implemented algorithm still finds 
multiple correspondences. The evaluation of all combinations of 
three point correspondences for estimating a plausible view 
transformation would lead to a combinatoric explosion. Further- 
more, some detected correpondences are incorrect and must be 
eliminated from the list. The source of these errors concern with 
simmetry in the data, too much spatially close surface points 

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