Full text: Close-range imaging, long-range vision

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Figure 7: VRML Model 
The software acts following suitable procedures of the camera 
calibration and through the correlation of omologue points 
found at least in two photograms,and reconstructs the 
volumetry of the examined object. 
The results of these studies have verified the obtained accuracy 
such as previews works of other authors have shown. (Pappa et 
alii,2001, Hanke, 1996). 
Interesting perspectives have been opened in the elaboration 
and comparison of the various methodologies of extraction of 
three-dimensional models of the architectonic building. 
The experiences produced evidence like the new frontier is 
constituted by digital methodologies. 
In the comparison between the two DEM gains with two 
different methodologies, for the reconstruction of the geometric 
shape of the architectonic building the Laser Scanner 
methodology seems more easy and fast. 
The Architectural Photogrammetry remains the best instrument 
to realize a complete architectonic metric survey, for the 
possibility to produce graphical elaborates ( plans, prospects 
and sections). 
A frontier all to explore will be finally that one of the 
production of digital models photographic three-dimensional, 
with methodologies like those we have begun to inquire in this 
It is possible that in the future there will be other alternative 
methodologies to represent Architectural Heritage as already 
today are the “Ortophotomapping” in modern cartography. 
In the next works we will analyze the construction of the 
complete model of the building, obtained linking the several 
partial model acquired from each station, to have all the three- 
dimensional model of it referred to only one reference local 
This is the first step to construct our GIS for Architectural 
Heritage and to investigate all the caracteristics of it. 
K. Kraus Photogrammetry 1, Diimmler, Bonn 1993 
Waldháusl, P., Ogleby, C. 3x3 Rules for Simple 
Photogrammetric Documentation of Architecture. 
Commission V ISPRS Melbourne, 1994. 
R.S. Pappa L.R. Giersch J.M.Quagliaroli, “Photogrammetry 
of a Sm inflatable space antenna with consumer digital 
cameras”. Proceedings 19 International Modal Analysis 
Conference, Kissimmee, 2001 
K. Hanke, “Accuracy study project of Eos Systems’ 
Photomodeler” Final report Vienna, 1996 
M. Fedak, “3D Measurement accuracy of a consumer-grade 
digital camera and retro-reflective survey targets” 
Fondelli M. Trattato di fotogrammetria urbana ed 
architettonica, Laterza, Bari, 1992 
G Bezoari, C Monti, A Selvini: La fotogrammetria per 
l'architettura, Liguori, Napoli 1992 
A. Selvini, Principi di fotogrammetria, CLUP,Milano, 1994 
Fangi G., Note di Fotogrammetria, CLUA,Ancona, 1995 
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