Full text: Close-range imaging, long-range vision

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Archaeological data have been translated into images by means 
of 3D solid modelling. Images help understanding of the 
complexities of archaeological concepts in many different ways 
(Pollefeys, 2000). 
The archaeologists could use virtual reality for the 
dissemination of archaeological material via excavation reports, 
teaching materials, and research resources. Important it is to 
balance realism vs. reality, and how these issues have been 
addressed in 3D reconstructions. 
What a 3D solid model is, what kind of “model” is a “computer 
model”, how to build it, and how to use it are concepts very 
important that we have illustrated above (Barceló, Forte, 
Sanders, 2000). 
The goal of the research has been to integrate VR techniques 
into the generation of primary archaeological records. In this 
way the idea that VR simulations could, and should, be seen as 
a natural and complimentary adjunct to the familiar maps, plans 
and elevation drawings of traditional archaeological research, is 
strengthened and reinforced. 
We presented a general overview of how to give photo-realism 
to a 3D computer model. Archaeology demands exactness and 
accurate visualisation of architecture, before its aesthetic 
presentation. As a consequence, one of the aims of a virtual 
reconstruction of archaeological sites is to obtain a realistic 
reproduction in order to achieve a close approximation to the 
original building as it was conceived and constructed by its 
builders. Archaeologists want to experiment and live such 
ancient space. Therefore it becomes clear why the precise 
modelling and simulation of light is a key aspect of realistic 
Virtual Reality techniques in archaeology as presented in this 
paper (reconstructions, 3D graphics, immersive imaging) 
promise an accessible, highly visual, and interactive means of 
representing difficult-to-see data, opening up new ways of 
presenting research. Virtual Reality models allow us to put all 
of our contemporary knowledge and thought about an object 
into a user-interactive presentation. The advantage of virtual 
computer models in comparison to traditional analysis is 
evident. The visualising process resulting from solid modelling 
can sometimes reveal relationships within an archaeological 
‘reconstruction’ more clearly than any other current methods of 
display (Fletcher and Spicer 1992, Molineaux 1992, Miller and 
Richards 1994). Consequently, those models permit spatial 
queries such as “what is next to”, what surrounds, what is 
above, below, to the side of, etc. (Harris and Lock 1996). 
By constructing detailed models of the excavated material, 
archaeologists can re-excavate the site and search for evidence 
which escaped attention during the actual dig Reilly 1990). 
Computer models of archaeological buildings or artefacts can be 
linked to text, image, and sound databases permitting self- 
guided educational or research virtual tours of ancient sites in 
which users can learn about history, construction details, or 
daily life with a click of the mouse. 
Some virtual models are intended for use in exploration and 
analysis in which the user has some ideas about what he/she is 
looking for, but is not fully sure. Other computer 
representations are often prepared for presentations intended to 
communicate one’s findings to others. The key difference here 
is between the need of better understanding the data, versus the 
desire to communicate a particular understanding that has 
already been reached. To date, the catalyst for visualisation in 
archaeology has not been the search for improved techniques 
for discovering new knowledge but rather for improved ways 
for presenting existing knowledge to the public Miller and 
Richards 1994), but in the next years we look forward to new 
applications in many different domains. 
Another important aim is the design of interactive systems. The 
interactive system allows total access to the information about 
the archaeological artefact by means of an environment with 
text-windows and buttons (Graphic User Interface), which 
allows us to interact with the application and guide the 
consultation. The visitor gives orders by mouse pointer touching 
on graphic buttons, located on the side of the screen. By 
touching a button, the virtual exploration by multimedia video 
stops and a window opens with a photograph and an 
explanation text (Figure 15). 
Figure 15. Display of the semi-interactive multimedia system 
Users intuitively learn the ancient landscape of the site because 
they can walk through the reconstructed 3D computer graphics 
archaeological area. The systems provide intuitive information 
access through the selection of objects such as buildings in the 
3D computer graphics scene. 
The advantages include their immediate accessibility as well as 
the ease with which they can be updated as new data is collected 
and analysed. 
The movie of the site included a 3D walk-through of the city as 
well as supporting pages containing text and photographs. 
In fact there are different approaches to interactivity within a 
virtual model. In the Panoramic VR the user is able to induce 
some movements on a virtual scene, but the model is passive; it 
is the user who changes points of view: the model remains in its 
place. The alternative approach is a fly-through of the 
landscape. In this case, the user does not move around a static 
image but sees how a dynamic representation of a landscape 
model moves in some directions. These computer animations 
with a photo-realistic aspect allow the territory to be overflow. 
A virtual multidimensional environment characterised by 
efficient and effective navigation and orientation tools, using 
virtual reality and interaction techniques to represent the 
scenarios. In particular, the multimedia navigation is based on 

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