Full text: Mesures physiques et signatures en télédétection

ipported by CNES and 
ient technical support 
lotosynthetically active 
1/, 76, 300-306. 
nances and vegetation 
iuctivity with satellite 
O2 transport based on 
: Aspects of climate 
vsical Monograph, 55, 
aspheric CO2 transport 
In : Aspects of climate 
ysical Monograph, 55, 
tnporal AVHRR data, 
L hands by atmospheric 
! the daylight spectrum 
ess, 133-144. 
values of temperature, 
?1-18 November 1991, 
ution of the total ozone 
radiation against leaf 
of Applied Ecology, 9, 
jphical Transactions of 
Professional Paper 14. 
ilati nn with a T42-L20 
Correction of satellite 
F terrestrial net primary 
C02 fluxes over plant 
sol layer with NOAA/11 
xs from the NOAA-7 
ween atmospheric CO2 
R.C. and N.A. Ritchey, 
- version 1.1. NASA 
irginia, USA. 
Fig 1: 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 
Latitudinal GVI summ 
Mt C / 1 degree of latitude /Week 
Mt C / 1 degree of latitude

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