Full text: Mesures physiques et signatures en télédétection

VEG facilitates the use of diverse knowledge bases to be incorporated into the inference techniques. In this 
study, VEG used additional information to make more accurate view angle extension techniques than the 
traditional techniques that only use spectral data from the unknown target in a simplistic manner. VEG used 
spectral Hata and a normalized difference technique to infer the percent ground cover of the unknown target. 
This estimate of percent ground cover of the unknown target along with information on the sun angle, and 
wavelengths were then used to search a historical data base for targets that match the unknown target in 
these characteristics. These data captured the general shape of the reflectance distribution of the unknown 
target. This historical information was used to estimate the coefficients of the techniques for the conditions at 
hand and to test the accuracy of the techniques. 
The tests used in this study (Kimes et al. 1994) were difficult ones. For example, techniques were tested 
that make long angular extensions using one, two, or four input view angles to predict an unknown nadir 
value. Furthermore, a wide variety of unknown targets were tested. The errors ( ^proportional rms) obtained 
were on the order of 0.15. In addition techniques were tested that use seven or nine multiple view angles to 
predict the directional reflectance distribution over the entire hemisphere of an unknown target The accu 
racy of these tests were relatively good considering the relatively dynamic and noisy nature of directional 
reflectance distributions. The accuracy of the techniques in this study depends on the smoothness of the his 
torical reflectance distributions and the amount of historical data available that closely matches the unknown 
The VEG system provides a workbench supporting remote sensing scientists doing analysis of directional 
optical data. VEG encourages creative investigation by accommodating a variety of repeated tests under 
different conditions. The system manages complexity providing an appropriate level of abstraction for 
scientific investigation. VEG provides a number of features useful to scientists. A simple interface allows the 
scientist to add new techniques to VEG. Other interfaces allow data to be input from external files contain 
ing scene information, and the results of analysis to be written to external files. Tools are provided for 
managing the interface between VEG and the operating system so that historical databases can be used or 
added to during sessions. A tool box provides capabilities to browse the system, dynamically plot data, get 
help or add text to the help system and print screen dumps. 
Currently VEG has been developed to (1) infer spectral hemispherical reflectance from any combination 
of nadir and/or off-nadir view angles (2) infer percent ground cover from any combination of nadir and/or 
off-nadir view angles (3) infer unknown view angle(s) from known view angle(s) (known as view angle 
extension), and (4) discriminate between user-defined vegetation classes using spectral and directional 
reflectance relationships developed from an automated learning algorithm. The errors for these techniques 
were generally very good ranging between 2 and 15% (proportional rms). 
Deering, D.W., 1989, Field Measurements of Bidirectional Reflectance, in Theory and Applications of Opti 
cal Remote Sensing, Wiley, New York, 2: 14-65. 
Deering, D.W. and E.M. Middleton, 1990, Spectral Bidirectional Reflectance and Effects on Vegetation 
Indices for a Prairie Grassland, in Proc. Symposium on FIFE, American Meteor. Soc., Anaheim CA, 
Feb. 7-9. 
Dickinson, R.E., 1983, Land Surface Processes and Climate-Surface Albedos and Energy Balances, Adv. 
Geophys., 25:305-353. 
P.R. Harrison, P.A. Harrison, and D.S. Kimes, 1994, Intelligent Workbench for Studying Earth’s Vegetation, 
J. Expert Systems with Applications, (Submitted). 
Kimes, D.S., 1983, Dynamics of Directional Reflectance Factor Distributions for Vegetation Canopies, 
Applied Optics, 22:1364-1372.

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