Full text: Papers for the international symposium Commission VI

According to resolutions for Commission VI, ISP, resolutions formulated at 
the 1972 and 1976 International Congresses of Photogrammetry, it was and is 
the main task of ISP WG VI-1 to continue work on the establishment of a 
world-wide inventory and analysis of photogrammetric education and research 
facilities, including photointerpretatiori and remote sensing. 
A somewhat similar project is presently in progress under the auspices of the 
United Nations. This project, dealing with surveying and mapping education, 
is the consequence of resolutions formulated at recent United Nations 
Regional Cartography Conferences pointing out the urgency of such a respective 
survey and requesting that a special study be undertaken on the status of 
world surveying and mapping education and training. Due to the urgency of 
the matter a survey by UN questionnaires has already been completed and the 
author of this paper has been put in charge by the UN to analyse the returned 
questionnaires and to prepare a special report to be completed this year. 
Considering this situation it was felt desirable to coordinate the UN survey 
to a certain extent with the survey (inventory) being performed by ISP WG VI-1 
on the world's photogrammetric education and research facilities. This coor 
dination is somewhat limited because of the time factor: the UN report is due 
this year, while a general report on the ISP WG VI-1 survey is planned to 
be presented at the 1980 International Congress of Photogrammetry; in addition 
the objectives of the two surveys are not exactly identical and consequently 
two different questionnaires had to be prepared, one by the UN and a second 
one and a more specific one by ISP WG VI-1. For practical purposes the coor 
dination of both surveys consists in the availability of the UN survey data 
and analysis for the ISP WG VI-1 survey. 
The questionnaire of ISP WG VI-1 (in English and French) of which a copy 
is annexed, requests information from all countries on photogrammetric educa 
tion facilities (educational institutions, enrollment, level, specific infor 
mation on photogrammetry courses, type of degrees, available equipment, 
teaching staff, and annual budget); a second part of the questionnaire re 
quests information on photogrammetric research facilities (R $ D facilities) 
(Photogrammetric R § D staff and annual expenditures for photogrammetric 
R § D). The bulk of this information will be extremely useful to determine 
future requirements in photogrammetric education and research and will 
enable realistic planning for the future. 
The ISP WG VI-1 questionnaire with an explanatory letter has been sent to 
all members of the group (regional representatives) in September 1977. In 
addition, a time table for the ISP WG VI-1 survey has been worked out and 
has been included in the explanatory letter (Circular Letter No. 1). Spe 
cifically this time table specifies the following work phases. 
1. September 1, 1977 - June 31, 1978 : 
Preparation of a list as complete as possible of the names and addresses 
of all institutions offering photogrammetry education and of all organi 
zations involved in photogrammetry research (R & D) by the regional 
representatives of ISP WG VI-1 for their assigned regions. 
2. July 1, 1978 - June 30, 1979 : 
Distribution of copies of the ISP WG VI-1 questionnaire to all institu 
tions and organizations according to the completed list under 1. The 
complete questionnaires should be in the hands of the regional ISP WG VI-1 
representatives by June 30, 1979.

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