Full text: Papers for the international symposium Commission VI

The most important obstacles in vast and fast utilization of 
engineering photogrammetry are difficulties in equipment purche- 
sing. The biggest difficulties are encountered when a buying 
from dollar-zone, but quite serions restrictions, occur also in 
purchases from the rubel-zone. There are even difficulties in 
shopping of photographic materials or chemicals. 
Polish companies uses mostly the instruments of VEB Jena. 
Unfortunately some types of instruments are not very reliable and 
rectification or repairing is rather troublesome, even spare-parts 
are difficult to get. Altogether it is difficult to manage the 
equipment. It results often in production-breaks lowering the 
rentability of instruments.• 
Among the draw-beck factors which dower the utilization of 
engineering photogrammetry the lack of qualified specialists is 
often mentioned in the first place. Then as less important factors 
are: lack of customers, priority of mapping or organizational 
difficulties. The laboratories located far away from Warsau or 
Cracow may have some difficulties to find a scientific consultant 
specialized in photogrammetry. Often it can also happen that 
too weak recognition of potential customers causes a lack of work 
for photogrammetrie teams. Sometimes the general feeling of non 
profitability of engineering photogrammetry is noticable. It . 
happens that the photogrammetrists have to switsh from engineering 
photogrammetry to photogrammetrie mapping because of general prio 
rity of aerial photogrammetry for the country. On the other hand 
photogrammetrists sometimes keep away from engineering photogramme- 
try being aware of the work complexity which may result in their 
earning reduction. Usual lack of priced catalogues for nontypical 
works makes it impossible to use an acord paying system /architec 
tural photogrammetry is a nice exception here/. An additional 
draw-back factor is a very limited time for elaboration of several 
industrial surveys or very limited technical description of the 
survey itself. All these factors make a fast and vast utilization 
on of engineering photogrammetry very difficult. 
What was and what should be done to improve the situation 
Some effort to strengthen the staff for engineering photogrammetry 
are being done in Poland since recent years. The companies create 
the research and development sections, cooperate widely with 
scientists from technical universities, who consult the work as 
part time employees.Very often also the university laboratories 
are utilized for the production, which is very advantageous from 
the point of view of national economy. 
At the Faculty of Mining Geodesy of the University of Mining and 
Metallurgy in Cracow since 1975 the students can specialize in 
engineering photogrammetry. The specialization begins in the IV-th 
years of studies. The program of photogrammetry in this speciali 
zation consists of 176 hours of lectures and 320 hours of labs. 
Within this program for industrial photogrammetry 64 hours is 
devoted to lectures, 96 hours to labs and 64 hours to seminar. 
Until now 14 students have specialized in engineering photogram 
metry in our Faculty.

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