Full text: Papers for the international symposium Commission VI

take up training in Remote Sensing due to the nature 
of its set-up# The body is made up mainly of Surveyors, 
Photogrammetrists and Cartographers# 
/xii/ Sierra Leone /0.07 Mkm 2 ; 2*5 M / In Sierra Leone, 
apart from the course content in Photogrammetry in 
the Bachelor of Engineering Degree course at the Uni 
versity College of Sierra Leone which is basically 
elementary, there are no educational and research fa 
cilities presently available# 
/xiii/ Somalia No information as yet 
/xiv/ South Africa / 1#22 Mkm 2 ; 23 M / Photogrammetry is 
taught here at various levels in 5 Universities in 
South Africa# These are University of Cape Town, Natal 
Porte Hare, Pretoria and Witwatersrand, Johannesburg# 
Courses are given in the degree programme for geodetic 
sciences# Some of the Universities offer post-graduate 
courses in photogrammetry and conduct research as well# 
Detailed information regarding technologist and techni 
cian courses available in South Africa is not yet re 
/xv/ Sudan No information as yet 
8 ‘ 
/xvi/ Swaziland No information as yet 
/xvii/ United Republic of Tanzania # / 0*93 Mkm 2 ; 13*3 M / 
There are no facilities for higher learning in the 
field of photogrammetric education and research in 
Tanzania# The only facility available is for techni 
cian training at the Ministry of Lands, Housing and 
Urban Development ; Survey and Mapping Division trai-

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