Full text: Transactions of the Symposium on Photo Interpretation

Accuracy of interpretation increased in going from the small scale to the two 
larger scales (fig. 1). Accuracy in interpretation was consistently higher on the 
color film but this advantages diminished as the scale increased. Very little 
difference in accuracy was recorded between the two large scales on both types 
of film. 
Accuracy in interpreting color film was consistently higher for each tree 
species than in interpreting panchromatic film (fig. 2). This was true even for 
the best interpreter, although he did correctly identify all 19 Pirns strobus trees 
on both films. 
The effect of scale on the recognition of three particular species is shown in 
fig. 3. Pinus strobus, which ranked first in accuracy of recognition, showed little 
change between the two larger scales. Betula papyrifera, which ranked last, 
showed little improvement in accuracy with increased scale. Recognition of 
Thuja occidentalis was greatly improved with the increase in scale. 
The morphological features and color characteristics of these species explain 
why photo images of some species are harder to recognize than others. 
1. Pinus strobus was accurately identified by all interpreters. They were con 
sistent in recognizing the characteristic foliage arrangement, e.g., a pattern 
of triangular branches that radiate like the spokes of a wheel. 
2. Betula papyrifera was identified correctly when the tree was full crowned and 
vigorous but when the tree was decadent and had thin foliage its image was 
generally confused with Populus tremuloides. 
3. Thuja occidentalis was recognized by crown margins and apices on the largest 
scales. These characteristics were not recognized on the small scale. Image 
color may facilitate making a correct appraisal of this species at large scales 
since the interpreters consistently designated the tree as having the same 
Other species where interpretation accuracy was high had distinguishing 
characteristics, such as ragged foliage and occasional long branches on Pinus 
Discussion and conclusions 
Color film is superior to panchromatic film for use in identifying individual 
tree species but its superiority reduces with an increase in scale. For the accu 
rate identification of individual tree species a photo scale of 1 : 1584 or larger 
is necessary. 
A recent forestry graduate did an equally accurate job of interpreting at 
these scales after three days of intensive training as did men having 20 years 
experience in photo interpretation. Thus, it would seem possible to eliminate 
interpreters’ performance as a variable in interpreting pictures of this kind if 
proper training and training aids are used. 
The cost of using color film at large scales should be little more than that 
required for panchromatic film. While it is true that color film costs five times 
as much as panchromatic film, the important point to remember is that film

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