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Remote sensing for resources development and environmental management
Damen, M. C. J.

properties would be of great importance for crop
monitoring ('CROPSAT': Bouwmans 1985). At present
technical and economical constraints make such a
solution rather unlikely. The data produced by the
LANDSAT-TM scanner and the SPOT satellite does al
ready put a serious challenge to the current proces
sing capabilities of both satellite operators and
users. This is notwithstanding the request dependent
coverage of both satellites. For the time being ap
plication of MSS-techniques in humid regions with
intensive land use, as in the Netherlands, will main
ly depend on airborne sensors.
sensing. Deelrapport 4, remote sensing studiepro-
ject Oost-Gelderland. Nota 1542. Institute for
Land and Water Management Research, Wageningen.
85 pp.
Tucker, C.J. 1977. Use of near infrared/red radiance
ratios for estimating vegetation biomass and
physiological status. Proc. 11th int. symposium of
remote sensing of environment 1:493-494.
Badhwar, G.D., J.G. Carnes & W.W. Austin 1982. Use of
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Batista, G.T., H.M. Hixson & M.E. Bauer 1985. LAND-
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Belmans, C., J.G. Wesseling & R.A. Feddes 1983. Simu
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Part 1. Theory. Basisrapport Commissie Bestudering
Waterhuishouding Gelderland. Provinciale Waterstaat
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Nieuwenhuis, G.J.A., E.H. Smidt & H.A.M. Thunnissen
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Soer, G.J.R. 1977. The TERGRA model - a mathematical
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crop surface temperature and actual évapotranspira
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Spaans, J.H. 1985. Studie naar de invloed van leemla-
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gras en mais in een gebied nabij Rucphen (West-
Brabant); de toepassing van remote sensing technie-
ken en hydrologische modelberekeningen. Nota 1696.
Institute for Land and Water Management Research,
Wageningen. 57 pp.
Thunnissen, H.A.M. 1984a. Eenvoudige méthode voor de
bepaling van de régionale gewasverdamping. Deelrap
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land. Nota 1580. Institute for land and Water
Management Research, Wageningen. 39 pp.
Thunnissen, H.A.M. 1984b. Hydrologisch onderzoek:
toepassing van hydrologische modellen en remote