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Modern trends of education in photogrammetry & remote sensing

The National Reports Prepared bv the ISPRS Member Countries for
ISPRS Congresses
Paper prepared for the ISPRS Commission VI Symposium, Rhodes, Greece
Sept. 13-16, 1990
Prof. Dr. A.J. Brandenberger, Chairman, Task Force "National Reports"
ISPRS Commission VI
c/o Photogrammetry, Faculty of Forestry & Geomatics, Laval University
Ouebec (Quebec) G1K 7P4 Canada
After the 1988 Kyoto ISPRS Congress, ISPRS Commission VI has
been assigned the task of working out some guidelines for the pre
paration of the National Reports to be submitted to future ISPRS Con
gresses by the ISPRS Member Countries. For this purpose the ISPRS
Commission VI Board created a special task force [Commission VI Task
Force on National Reports, TF "National Reports"]. Work of this task
force has already started and a preliminary questionnaire was forwarded
to the ISPRS Commission VI National Reporters. Up to date alreadv an
appreciable number of completed questionnaires have been received by
the TF Chairman. The present paper elaborates in more details on the
information received from the completed questionnaires and various
possibilities are discussed on how the National Reports should be
prepared to be of maximum usefulness to the ISPRS community.
It is considered that the National Reports submitted by the
national member organizations to the International Congresses of Photo-
grammetrv & Remote Sensing are important documents which provide a
wealth of information on the status of photogrammetry & remote sensing
in the member countries of ISPRS. In the past, such National Reports
have been produced in various formats, styles and different readiness
of content; also, various systems of presenting national information
has been used, such as e.g. information provided and ordered according