Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium on Progress in Data Processing and Analysis

T i 11 e 
Author (s) 
T i 11 e 
Author (s) Page» 
Thematic Compression of Meteorological 
Imago Data 
H.~J.Grundmann 76 
A -Guenther 
A Standard Method for Creating Self-De- 
fining Data Structures for Information 
Archive and Transfer 
J.A.Johnson 82 
L a n g u a g e Fi! e q u i r e m e n t s f o r l.J n cl e r s t. a n d i n g 
F< e t r i e v e d D a t a 
F.C.Billingsley 89 
S 6 Systems and Instrumentation for Synthetic 
Processing <UG II / 4) 
Aperture Radar 
Infrared and Microwave Radiometry for 
Mineral Identification and Moisture 
K.Schmidt 97 
U- Herr 
Some Results of Microwave Measurements 
D u r i n g t. h e IN T E R C 0 S M (!) S C o m p 1 e >< 
Exper i men t s (3E(!)EX y TELE(3E(3 an d CARIBE 
H.Ueichelt 114 
S 7 Acquisition and Use of Space Photographic 
Data (IC-UG I / II) 
Cartograph i c Potent i a 1 of Space Images 
K.Jacobsen 127 
M u 11 i s p e c t r a 1 P h a t o c a m e r a M K ~ 4 
Yu.Kienko 135 
Yu.Bel aus 
The Compos iting Devices f or Photoimages 
of MK-4 Camera and Preparation of Photo- 
m o s a i s a n d P h a t o s k e t c h e s o n t h e s e 
Yu.Kienko 144 
Y u.Gr1ov 
New Topographic Air Survey Camera with 
Forward Motion Compensation 
U.G.Afremov 152 
I.Yu.Af anasiev 
N. M . E< a b a s h k i n 
U.B.I1 in 
U»K. Ic : »r em i n 
On Quality Improvement of Airborne 
Fiemote Sensing Data and their 
Processing Meeting the Users Demands 
F.PIischke 159 

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