Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium on Progress in Data Processing and Analysis

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Measurement of parallel profiles 
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Guiding of the floating mark along defined profiles 
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with variable travel speed, use of various incre- 
mental conditions for automatic point recording, 
e.g. profile measurement for orthophoto production 
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Measurement of longitudinal and cross profiles 
Guiding of the floating mark along longitudinal or 
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cross profiles defined by an input file. Use of 
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manual or automatic recording data, e.g. for measuring 
terrain sections in road construction 
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These functions already cover most of the tasks arising in this field. 
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2.3.2 XSEC 
The XSEC program (cross section) is a comprehensive package specially geared 
to route surveying in road construction. 
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The sequence of axis elements consisting of lines, circular arcs or clothoids 
is determined in a definition phase. The regular spacing of the stations can 
be supplemented by randomly positioned intermediate stations, with the input 
being performed either alphanumerically or by measurement. The length of the 
cross profiles can be randomly defined. However, the definition of the route 
may also be adopted from a different design program or read in via an inter 
face. During the measurement process, the floating mark is guided along the 
longitudinal and cross profiles; the operator selects the movement speed, 
sets the height and triggers the measurements. The measurement progress is 
logged on the graphic display terminal. The route may extend over several 
models. The measurement can be interrrupted at any time, and editing func 
tions permit the immediate correction of measuring errors. After completion 
of all measurements, the data are output on an ASCII file and are available 
for further processing. XSEC currently supports nine formats commonly used in 
road construction today.

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