Full text: Sharing and cooperation in geo-information technology

and diploma level and the rest are high school graduates with 
some additional technical and administrative training. For the 
purpose of training, Professional trainers come from other 
Centers/ Unit within Bakosurtanal (especially who has PhD 
degree), as well as from Universities such as UGM and ITB 
support the training operation. For the next future TDSM 
should has independent training staffs who have a various 
surveys and mapping disciplines. The internal staffs in TDSM 
should be improved either in professional teaching skills but 
also in obtaining higher degree to strengthen TDSM. 
Without enough financial support, it is almost impossible to 
conduct a qualified training. The annual budget for training is 
about Rp. 500 million (USD 59,000). This governmental 
budget is provided to strengthen Bappedas staffs and also the 
improvement of Bakosurtanal personal skills in surveys and 
mapping technology. Other training which designed as tailor 
made can be implemented by either sharing budget or fully paid 
by other agencies. For the next future, TDSM should market 
more, particularly for Kabupaten area, and also push to seek a 
financial aid from surveys and mapping industries, national and 
international fund sources. 
Balai Diklat (TDSM) is located in Building E (first and second 
floor) of Bakosurtanal Office of Cibinong. The first floor is 
used for Multimedia Training Laboratory: Tutored Video 
Instruction (TVI) Studios and Library. Office spaces, 
classroom, and Training Project occupy the second floor of the 
building. TDSM also has two laboratories: SIG Training and 
Desktop Cartography Training Laboratories. Hardware facilities 
consist of PC 486/66 platform, PC Astra CR-300, PC GIS, PC 
Map & Image Processing, RGB Monitor, Printer Epson LQ 
1170 ESK/P2, HP Laser Jet III, HP DeskJet, Digitizer, Image 
Color Scanner, Magnetic Tape Drive, Optical Disk Drive, 
Video Digitizing etc. Software facilities include Arclnfo, TIN, 
ArcCAD, ERDAS version 7.5 and 8.2 (Imagine), Server and 
LAN TNTMips, Micro Brian 3.2 and ILWIS. 
Training materials, modules and other training supplies are 
provided in TDSM. However, some improvement of scientific 
modules in the form of videocassettes needs to be transferred 
into CD-ROM. 
Based on the above description, it can be said that some 
improvements are needed to develop human resources in the 
field of surveys and mapping. Various courses available at 
TDSM Bakosurtanal are also offered for internal staff 
development and for Bappedas personnel. Some participants 
come from different institutions, geographic teachers in high 
school and surveys and mapping teachers in Vocational School 
(SMK/STM Survey & Pemetaan) and other non-governmental 
organization, if possible, must be welcomed in the near future. 
Some improvement will be undertaken to improve training 
staffs (both quality and quantity), increase financial supports, 
and upgrading training facilities. 
Balai Diklat Surta, 1998. Rencana Kegiatan Program Diklat 
Surta Bakosurtanal, Bakosurtanal, Tahun 1999/2000, 
(The activity programs of Training Division of Sur\>eys 
and Mapping Bakosurtanal in the year of 1999/2000), 
Bakosurtanal Cibinong 
Martha, S. 1998. Peran Pusdiklat dalam Pengembangan SDM 
Bidang Penginderaan Jauh dan SIG di Indonesia, (The 
role of Training Center in human resources 
development in the field of remote sensing and GIS in 
Indonesia), Seminar Nasional Lustrum VII Fak. 
Geografi UGM dan Kongres IGI, Yogyakarta, 10-11 
Oktober 1998.

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