Full text: Sharing and cooperation in geo-information technology

related technologies and issues. Therefore, the 
1SPRS certainly encourages the creation of 
creative and entertaining webpages that will 
appeal to a larger audience. 
D. A downloadable webpage that can be used as a 
basic template upon which a webpage can be 
built will be provided at the 1SPRS Website: 
III. Web Page Design/Content 
A. Clear and Understandable. All ISPRS webpages 
are to be clearly and logically organized, so that 
their purpose and information can be easily and 
quickly understood. The information should be 
concise, accurate and laid out simply. Testing of 
the webpage by requesting all ISPRS officers to 
read and comment on it before posting on the 
WWW is recommended. 
B. Graphic and non-graphical. All ISPRS 
webpages shall be provided in both a graphics- 
included format and in a non-graphical format. 
This should be done to accommodate those 
users who may not be able to easily view or 
download advanced or graphics-heavy 
C. Logo. While ISPRS seeks to minimize webpage 
design restrictions, all ISPRS webpages should 
clearly and prominently display the official 
ISPRS logo on every webpage (downloadable 
from www.geod.ethz.ch/~andre/sample.html). 
D. ISPRS Affiliation. Besides the ISPRS logo, a 
reference to the ISPRS and the function of the 
Working Group or Technical Commission 
should be stated clearly at the front of the web 
E. Images. Since image acquisition, management 
and processing is the main line of ISPRS, an 
array of images that demonstrate ISPRS 
activities should be included where necessary 
(although for webpages with numerous images, 
or very advanced webpage options, non- 
graphical options shall be provided - see IIIB 
above). However, images with lengthy potential 
downloading times (especially to users in 
countries with weaker Internet or 
telecommunications links) could perhaps be 
provided in an FTP format. 
F. Hypertext Links. All ISPRS webpages must 
include hypertext links to the ISPRS Homepage 
and to other ISPRS Technical Commissions. 
Links to associated sister- organizations could 
be provided as well on the webpage. 
G. Design Ideas. ISPRS webpages should include 
the following items: 
1. All webpages should include the name 
and address of the Web Master, as well 
as the date of the last update to the 
2. Highlighting of new items on the 
webpage clearly and prominently (the 
placing of a "What's New" item at the 
start of each webpage is desirable; 
3. Links to pages related to interest areas 
of the ISPRS Member Organizations, 
Technical Commission, and Working 
4. Coordination between all Working 
Groups in a particular Commission with 
regard to similarities in webpage design 
or form is encouraged. 
H. ISPRS Member Organizations Webpages 
should contain the following: names, 
pictures/photographs, phone numbers, fax 
numbers, postal and email addresses of Member 
Organizations, Commission and Working Group 
officers; important activities of the Member; 
necessary hyperlinks including to ISPRS 
homepage and to relevant Working Group 
homepages; and an email subscription system 
(list server). 
I. Technical Commission Webpages should 
contain at least the following: the name and 
Terms Of Reference (TOR) of the Technical 
Commission; names, pictures/photographs, 
phone numbers, fax numbers, and email 
addresses of all Commission and Working 
Group officers; Symposiums and 
Commission/WG events with on-line 
registration forms; and hyperlinks to the ISPRS, 
Working Group homepages and other important 
J. Working Group Webpages should contain at 
least the following: the name and Terms Of 
Reference (TOR) of the Working Group; names, 
pictures/photographs, phone numbers, fax 
numbers, and emails of the Working Group 
chair, co-chair and members; dates and 
locations of Working Group meetings and 
workshops with on-line registration forms; and 
necessary hyperlinks. 
IV. Technical Issues 
A. Pathnames. The use of relative or absolute 
pathnames to link documents or to connect files 
should be considered for its practicality and user 
B. Browser. Webpages should be designed and 
updated for the most popular browsers in use at 
the time. The use of a good and fast browser 
facilitates a quicker acquisition of images. 
C. Links. Links should be checked periodically and 
updated. Each page should have a link at its end 
to the top of the homepage. 
D. Bulk Data. Documents made available in 
postscript format should be compressed first and 
an indication of their approximate size and how 
the data was compressed should be given. A 
decoder should be made available when needed.

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