Full text: New perspectives to save cultural heritage

CIPA 2003 XÌX' h International Symposium, 30 September - 04 October, 2003, Antalya, Turkey 
2.2 Implementation 
The implementation of a CMS under organisational aspects 
leads to the question how to organize the people who manage 
and fill up the CMS based website. 
A good start is a group of 1 - 3 people with good skills in 
(X)HTML and knowledge about the CMS management tools. 
These people are the webmasters - and the administrators of the 
website. I recommend more than one administrator so it is 
possible to share the work. (For example answering questions 
from the users, setting up the CMS, etc.) 
Next we have to build up user groups. Like the CIPA has done 
it before, it is a good idea to build groups in the CMS which 
correspond to the real organization structure. 
These groups get access rights concerning to their section inside 
the page tree of the CMS. Thus when logged in, to place a new 
article into the CMS, the member of the group can only modify 
the content of the group page tree, see Fig. 5. 
Q Q Working Group 7 
g-P| Irnage management 
I I ! £y| Image acquisation 
Q Q Metric cameras 
Fig. 5 
Every group has a “CMS chairman 3 ” who bundles the interests 
of the group concerning handling and adaptations of the CMS 
so it fit’s their needs. He is also responsible to check out the 
activity of the group members concerning their activities on the 
website. From time to time he check’s out the actuality of the 
articles and remembers passive users to bring in content. 
The group of CMS Chairmen stay in close contact to the 
administrators of the website. Together they look for solutions 
to possible problems or adaptations of the CMS. Furthermore it 
is recommended that this group will meet twice a year. 
Here by example you see the login for the Working Group 7 and 
their page tree node (main topic) and some added pages. When 
you click on the “Working Group 7” entry on the right side, a 
window as shown in figure 8 will appear. 
Fig. 8 
First of all we now have to decide which type of page we would 
like to generate. The system offers different types of a page. In 
the context of the CIPA the “advanced” page type and it’s 
features is the right one to choose, because it offers us 
keywords, abstracts and so on. Thus we have the ability to put 
general search throughout the whole website by keywords and 
abstracts. So, click the little pencil in the upper edit panel. 
(Figure 9) 
3.1 Placing an article (Example) 
First of all you have to login into the CMS Environment. So 
type www.cipa4u.net/typo3 into the link section of your 
browser and you’ll see the login screen (Fig. 5). 
^ ** www.typo3.com 
Administration Login 
„ y 7; : "*, . > 1 
Username: 1 
- ; ■ “ 
[^ÜQ. Image management Columns vfo 
Path: /Working Group 7/Image manag«.../ 
U) 4 Select the pencil 
m Pagecontent 
I Edit pag« header j | Move page | [ New page | | New content ~~j 
Fig. 9 
By clicking the “pencil”, the system offers you on the right side 
a window where you can select the page type. By default this is 
set to “standard” but as explained before we like to set it to 
“Advanced” to get the benefits of that type. (Figure 10) 
Create page content 
ED Show hidden content elements 
Fig. 6 
Just fill out the required fields and you will get into the system 
corresponding to your user level, see figure 7. 
3 Equal to the „chief author“

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