Full text: New perspectives to save cultural heritage

CI PA 2003 XIX th International Symposium, 30 September - 04 October, 2003, Antalya, Turkey 
Figure 6. An example of 2D plan to link maintenance 
programme (1:50 scale). 
acquiring and elaboration systems are able to make the 3D 
structures it is also true that the plotted designs that are currently 
requested, is a conventionally orthogonal two-dimensional 
drawings. Therefore, it may be necessary to return to iconic models 
adequate to the possible designs and to the space-time data. At 
present using currently available commercial CAD software it is 
one thing to memorize the points in 3D in order to link polylines 
really in 3D, but the other thing is to create a design that would 
satisfy the descriptive requirements to the scales normally used in 
documentation and in projects of conservation (Figure 6). 
So, starting from surveyed 3D points, a model of the actual situation 
has been produced and, supported by historical documents the three 
phases of building have been reconstructed (Figures 3,4,5). 
Rectification images will be emploied to texturize the whole model. 
In parallel, a set of conventional orthographic maps were produced 
in order to supply a base for an executive conservation plan. 
“Casaforte” are typical architectonic structures of the Valle d’Aosta 
defensive system in the Middle ages. They are military buildings or 
inferior aristocratic houses, but with castles characteristics. They 
can also be structures to protect food and to control agricultural 
products. Their initial planes are very simple but generally undergo 
great arrangement transformation. The first part is often a “donjon” 
with stone wall, wooden floor and particular local stone covering. 
Common aspects in Valle d’Aosta casafortes, between XIII and 
XV century, are: donjon, as first part of entire building; closed 
poligonal court; a series of successive buildings around the court 
with different use; single walls to close the perimeter. The finisch 
of doors, window jambs and architraves, always stone made, 
highlight the wish to embellish them with decorative elements. 
Povil casaforte is part of a well organized territory able to guarantee 
control and production. 
The older part of Povil casaforte is the tower, built around 1200; 
then, other structures were made with residential and rural 
functions. The final arrangement is that of a complex, shaped like 
a horsershoe, around a rectangular court, where wall texture and 
decoration show different phases. An accurate metric survey is 
not enough to reconstruct the subsequent transformations: critical 
survey, supported by historic documents and stratigraphic analysis, 
can help us to know better this complex system. 
5.1 Geometric survey 
The starting point was a geometric base obtained by both 
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Figure 8. All measured details and control points. 
Figure 9. Some geometric sections of the Povil casaforte, 
topographic and photogrammetric methods, integrated with direct 
survey. The following were used: 
- a topographic network of 10 vertices, organized in two different 

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