Full text: New perspectives to save cultural heritage

CIPA 2003 XIX th International Symposium, 30 September - 04 October, 2003, Antalya, Turkey 
Sample UF1 USM2: mortar made of an aggregate with a little 
omogeneous granulometry, not oriented, omogeneously 
distributed and with dimensions between few micron and few 
millimeters. The mineralogical anlysis suggests the presence of 
arenaceous rock fragments, calcschists, quartz crystals, both 
monomineral and policrystalline, felspars, biotite and rare 
bioclastic fragments. 
The aggregate grains have different forms and are subangular 
and/or subrounded, depending on the hardness of the clasts. The 
aggregate/binder ratio is about 30% and the adhesion along the 
grain boundary is quite good.. The binder is characterized by a 
not omogeneous colour, from dark hazel to pale grey; its 
composition is calcitic, and the texture is micro crystalline, 
locally criptocrystalline. Many pores with different forms and 
dimensions are present. Many shrink fissures also occurr (See 
Sample UF1 USM3: mortar made of an aggregate with a little 
omogeneous granulometry, not oriented, omogeneously 
distributed and with dimensions between 100 micron and few 
millimeters. The granulometric class of about 100 micron is 
scarcely represented; the most represented one is that between 
about 200 and 600 micron. The mineralogical anlysys suggests 
the presence of arenaceous rock fragments and, calcschists, with 
rare carbonatic rocks. There are also brick and bioclastic 
fragments. A less abundant portion is represented by crystals 
with dimensions between 200 and 400 micron, mainly felspars 
and quartz, sometimes policrystalline with wavy extinction. 
Crystals have different forms, and are subangular and/ or 
subrounded. The aggregate/binder ratio is about 50% and the 
adhesion along the grain boundary is good.. The binder is 
characterized by a quite omogeneous dark hazel colour, with the 
presence of some cooking remains of the originating rock 
Documento UNI-NORMAL 12/83: aggregati artificiali di clasti 
a matrice legante non argillosa:schema di descrizione. 
Lazzarini L., Tabasso M.L. “Il restauro della pietra” 1986 
CEDAM - Padova. 
Amoroso G.G., Camaiti M. “Scienza dei materiali e restauro” 
1997 ALINEA, Firenze. 
(marble). The composition is calcitic, and the texture is micro 
crystalline. Many pores with different forms and dimensions are 
present. Many shrink fissures also occurr (See Fig.l 1-12-13) 
3. Conclusion 
Six building mortar samples used in the works of masonry of 
the archaeological site of Jasos (Turkey) have been analyzed. 
The samples come from different wall stratigraphy units of the 
walls. They have been distinguished into three groups, on the 
basis of mineralogical and petrographical observations. 
The first group includes most of the samples, characterized by a 
little omogeneous and quite tenacious binder with a micro- and 
cripto-crystalline texture containing many lumps. The aggregate 
has a little omogeneous granulometry, and is made of fragments 
of arenaceous rocks, calcschists, bioclasts, brick fragments, 
quartz and feldspars. 
The second group includes sample UF1 USM3, quite similar to 
the samples of the preceding group, except for the presence of 
relic marble structures in the binder. They suggest the use of 
this material in the preparation of the binder of this mixture. 
The third group includes sample UF10 USM3, that is 
characterized by a quite omogeneous binder with a 
microcrystalline texture, rare lumps, good tenacity, and an 
aggregate with a quite omogeneous granulometry. The 
aggregate is made of fragments of vulcanic rocks - pozzolana - 
and sandstone. This different composition suggests that the 
three types of mixtures here recognized date back to temporally 
different periods or are referred to remakes and corrections in 
different ages. 
Fratini F., Manganelli Del Fa C., Parenti R., Pecchioni E., Tiano 
P., “Le malte di allettamento nelle strutture medioevali: 
struttura, composizione, durabilità”. Atti del Convegno 
“Scienza e Beni Culturali: dal sito archeologico, all’archeologia 
del costruito: conosenza, progetti e conservazione”. Bressanone 
3-6 Luglio 1996,299-307. Arcadia Ricerche, Editore Padova. 
Autori Vari, scienza e beni culturali nulla ars sine scientia 
“rivista quadrimestrale del Convegno di Studi di Bressanone”.

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