Full text: New perspectives to save cultural heritage

Cl PA 2003 XIX th International Symposium, 30 September - 04 October, 2003, Antalya, Turkey 
fl > 40« 
r? * 80* 
f4' * 150« 
a/A = f/S 
0.06/A1 = 0.150/1000 
«1 401V. A3 * 750m 
A2 ‘ 208** A4 i 1508« 
Figure 1: The relation between focal lengths and image formats 
C= 150mm 
C= 40 mm 
Figure 2: Images of the same area taken with different focal lengths 
Phodis ST Stereo Evaluation software has been used at the 
project. Phodis ST is software in the Zeiss PHODIS 
Photogrammetric Digital Image System. This software is used 
• To form the digital image based stereo models, 
• To visualize the stereo models on the screen with 3D 
floating mark, 
• To draw the measurement results with stereo super 
imposing using Phocus, Micro station and CadMap 
The components of the system are the computer with Unix 
System, stereo visualisation system and the special P mouse. 
The source data are the digital images, camera information, 
control points and the model set up information. 
3.1 Forming The Stereo Models 
In spite of the images are taken with terrestrial cameras, the 
evaluation is performed using stereo evaluation software. 
The evaluation has been done using developed soft wares 
with stereo models because of the object being not a plane 
surface and having different y distances. The 6cm*6cm 
formatted images taken with terrestrial camera are scanned 
with 14 micron pixels in tiff format and transferred to the 
computer media. 
4.1 The Used Camera 
Rolleiflex 6008 metric camera with Sonnar 4/150 mm- 
objective Fig.3 is used to obtain the silhouette. The 
calibration has been performed in 24.05.2002 in the factory 
in Germany and the calibration results are delivered with a 
protocol. According to this protocol the interior orientation 
elements are as follows:

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