Full text: International cooperation and technology transfer

In January 1999, a photogrammetric survey was 
organized to confirm and validate the results obtained and 
to identify the correct points of view of the ancient 
drawing. Using a metric camera WILD P31, lens 100 mm, 
6 images were taken from the bell - tower terrace of the S. 
Nicolò main church in Lecco. Once it was upon an ancient 
tower, property of Bovara since 1800; there are news that 
recall the possibility of the participation to the realization 
of this drawing by Bovara himself. 
The black and white images were digitized by DTP 
scanner with low-resolution and then they were 
mosaiched in a photogrammetric panorama (Figure 9). 
Using this representation, the same criterion of analysis 
was applied identifying 23 tie points between the 
photogrammetric panorama and the ancient one. The 
correct identification is validated by the small standard 
deviation calculated. Let recall that, in this case, the point 
station is known. 
The hypothesis that Bovara were the author is also 
confirmed by some particular elements of the drawing, like 
the correct position of the Valmadrera church; it must be 
probably added later by Bovara, from his house in Lecco. 
Moreover Bovara himself built the church in Valmadrera in 
the 1810-1816; this new sets a limit for the data of the end 
the panorama work, while the data of its beginning is 
fixed in the period 1804 - 1807. In this period Bovara was 
collaborating with the astronomers of Brera, before 
moving to Rome. 
The panorama was found in Carlini's documents, thanks 
to the big friendship between the astronomer and Bovara. 
The research of information about ancient and modern 
technologies to acquire a correct altimetric representation 
of the territory, is very important and still in progress. 
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Figure 9. Modem photogrammetric survey from Lecco (Italy)

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