Full text: Mapping without the sun

2.1 RFM 
The RFM is a model that relates a ground point expressed 
ground point ( P ’ L ’ H ) in object space coordinates to a 
corresponding point in an image expressed image point in 
image space coordinates (C.V. Tao, 2001). Four polynomials all 
compute functions of three ground coordinates: longitude, 
latitude and height. Each polynomial uses 20 coefficients at 
least, and is essentially the generic form of the collinearity 
equation, with the collinearity equation expanded by using 
Taylor polynomials and represented in the rational form. 
Wherein the various imaging parameters are used to determine 
four polynomials that are used as follows: 
x p t (P,L,H) 
Pl (p,l,h) 
' y p 3 (P,L,H) 
P,{P,L,H) (1) 
Where i. p < L > H ) is a set of normalized coordinates of latitude, 
longitude and height in object space. The normalized 
coordinates are obtained by applying a linear scaling factor and 
a linear translation factor to the corresponding actual 
coordinates of latitude, longitude and height in object space to 
limit the magnitude of each coordinate of the normalized set to 
a predetermined range. Each of the four polynomials Pi , Pk , 
p y , p* used in the RFM may be expressed generically as 
p{P,L,H)="f M 
/=0 y=0 hO 
=a 0 +a i H+a 2 L+a } P+a t HL+a 5 HP+a t LP+a J H 2 +aj} +0^* +a t0 HLP 
+a n H 2 L+a t2 H 1 P+a ty I?H+a u l}P+a ts HP l +a l6 LP l +o lr P J +a ll( Z, 3 +a t jf 
where a iJk is the coefficients of the rational polynomial 
function. In every item of the polynomial, the power of each 
coordinate component P > L ’ H is no more than 3, and the sum of 
the powers of coordinate components in an item is also no more 
than 3, typically 1, 2 or 3. RFM based on RFC which is utilized 
for HRSI provides a transformation from image to object space 
coordinates in a geographic reference system and achieve a 
quite high geometric accuracy. However, one of key problem at 
RFM is that it cannot accommodate local image space 
distortions and high frequency perturbations in exterior 
orientation (C.S. Fraser, 2006), so a fined RFM which can 
eliminate the distortions and improve the geometric accuracy of 
the image space coordinates should be taken into account. 
2.2 RFC 
According to the different source of RFC, there are two 
approaches to generate RFCs and build RFM. One method is 
the terrain-dependent, the other is the terrain-independent (Liu 
Jun, 2006). The former is directly computed from GCPs which 
are measured in the field, while the latter is computed by least- 
squares fitting from 3 dimensional control grid (see Figured). 
In principle, the terrain-independent RPCs are a relatively 
straightforward process. The interested area of image is then 
surrounded by a fictitious array of object points, which are 
positioned on horizontal planes at multiple elevations, and 
number several hundred or even thousands. 
Figurel Illustration of 3 dimensional control grid 
Usually, the RPCs construct a reparameterization of the 
rigorous sensor orientation model which is set up by the time 
functions from satellite ephemeris and attitude which is directly 
observed using on-board GPS receivers, gyros and star trackers. 
However, both the satellite ephemeris and attitude are subject to 
error no matter under what circumstances because standard 
stereo image products are produced using satellite position and 
attitude information measured by on-board GPS and the stellar 
camera which have inevitably a certain range of error in the 
measurement process. Hence, errors in sensor interior and 
exterior orientation thus give rise to errors in the RPCs. Without 
using ground control, there are obvious systematic errors. C. S. 
Fraser proved by experiments: although the positioning errors 
of RFM in image space reach 29 pixels and 17 pixels, RFM has 
strong systematicness, for the size of error on each point is 
similar and the direction is basically the same (C.S. Fraser, 
2002; C.S. Fraser, 2003). In order to improve the accuracy of 
stereo positioning, GCPs are needed to compensate the 
systematic error of RFM. It can provide the transformation 
either from object space to image space or from image space to 
object space. In RFM, first-order items of the function can 
eliminate the twisted distortion caused by optical projection, 
second-order items can eliminate the errors caused by Earth 
curvature, atmospheric refraction and lens distortion, and errors 
caused by other unknown elements can be eliminated by cubic- 
order items (C.V. Tao, 2000). 
To improve the geometric accuracy of the image space 
coordinates determined by the RPM, it may be required to 
estimate and remove residual errors or biases either in the RPCs 
or in the imaging parameters from which the coefficients were 
derived. The refinement work may be accomplished by 
adjusting the coefficients of the RFM such that when the 
adjusted RPM is applied to the GCP object space coordinates, 
the resulting image space coordinates more closely approximate 
the GCP image space coordinates (Guo Zhang, 2005; Kwoh et 
al. 2005).Therefore, without removing the biases of imaging 
parameters, it can still improve the geometric accuracy of 
images produced using a given camera model by performing a 
preprocessing function to adjust the image space coordinates 
using adjustable functions ^ and AT to obtain adjusted 
image space coordinates x and Y (see Figure.2). Hence, 
according to the analysis above, a new object space coordinate 
system determined from the set of original object space 
coordinates to improve geometric accuracy in the resulting 
image space coordinates defines as follows:

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