Full text: Proceedings International Workshop on Mobile Mapping Technology

• Knowledge-based feature extraction and object 
In many applications, mobile mapping systems are used to 
update and extend an existing database. Road and/or object 
knowledge can be derived from databases and used to guide the 
implementation of feature extraction and even object 
recognition. Object recognition is highly complicated, and 
cannot be performed without the use of knowledge of the road 
• Integrated image-based bridging, calibration and quality 
control and object measurement 
Multiple image based image matching can not only be used for 
object measurement, but also for image bridging, camera 
calibration and quality control of GPS/INS geo referencing 
component. Image-based bridging, camera calibration, quality 
control of georeferencing component and object measurement 
can be processed in an integrated manner. The nature of these 
methods is that the stereoscopic and sequential imaging 
geometry constraint is available and the multinocular vision 
theory and methods can be utilized to tackle the essential issue 
- 2D to 3D transformation. 
Special thanks go to Dr. R. Li and Dr. K-P. Schwarz for their 
valuable comments and beneficial discussions. Appreciation 
also goes to graduate students who have been developing and 
testing the software. The support from the Canadian Natural 
Science and Engineering research Council (NSERC) and 
private industry sectors are acknowledged. 
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