Full text: CMRT09

CMRT09: Object Extraction for 3D City Models, Road Databases and Traffic Monitoring - Concepts, Algorithms, and Evaluation 
Figure 1: Model refinement process 
Pu and Vosselman (2009) presents an automatic approach to ex 
tract building facade features from a terrestrial point cloud. The 
method first defines several important building features based on 
knowledge about building facades. Then the point cloud is seg 
mented to planar segments. Finally, each segment is compared 
with building feature constraints to determine which feature this 
segment represents. The feature extraction method works fine for 
all facade features except for windows, because there are insuffi 
cient laser points reflected from window glass. Therefore a hole 
based window extraction method is introduce. Then polygons 
to extracted feature segments and the merging of polygons to a 
complete facade model. An advantage of this approach is that 
semantic feature types are extracted and linked to the resulting 
models, so that i) it is possible to get faster visualization by shar 
ing the same texture for same feature type; ii) polygons can be 
associated with various attributes according to its feature type. 
Figure 2 shows a building facade model which is reconstructed 
with the above approach. The generated building outline seems to 
coincide with laser points well. However, if we take a close look, 
it is easy to identify several mistakes from the model. By analyz 
ing more models, we figured two main reasons for the modeling 
errors. They are: • 
• Limitations of outline generation method. For example, side 
wall’s eave can ’’attract” the side boundary edges of the fa 
cade, and result in a slight wider polygon in horizontal di 
rection. The almost vertical or horizontal edges are forced 
to be vertical or horizontal; however, this is not always ben 
• Poor scanning quality. Due to the scanning strategy of static 
laser scanner, complete scanning of a scene seems impossi 
ble. There are always some parts which contain very sparse 
laser points, because of their visibility to any of the scan po 
sitions. Occluded zones without any laser points are also 
usual in laser point clouds. The lack of reference laser in 
formation leads to gaps in the final model. For example, the 
lower part of roofs are hardly scanned because the eaves oc 
clude the laser beams. The directly fitted roof polygons are 
smaller than their actual sizes. Sometimes these gaps are 
foreseen and filled using knowledge. For example, we know 
a roof must attach to the upper side of an eave, so we can ex 
tend the roof polygon so that it intersects the eave. However, 
knowledge based estimation are not always correct. 
Figure 2: A reconstructed building facade model, shown together 
with segmented laser points 
In order to extract straight lines, an image need to be in central 
perspective and undistorted. The exterior orientation parameters 
and focal length should be determined so that 3D model edges can 
be projected to the same image space for comparison. These are 
the two objectives of the preprocessing step. An omni-directional 
panoramic image called Cyclorama is used in our method devel 
opment, therefore conversion of Cyclorama to central perspective 
are explained first in 4.1. A semi-automatic approach for exterior 
orientation calculation is given in 4.2. 
4.1 Perspective conversion of Cyclorama 
The Cycloramas are created from two fisheye images with a field 
of view of 185 degree each (van den Heuvel et al., 2007). The 
camera is turned 180 degree between the two shots. The Cy 
cloramas we used contain image data for the full sphere stored 
in a panorama image of 4800 by 2400 pixels, corresponding to 
360 degree in horizontal direction and 180 degree in vertical di 
rection. Thus, on both directions the angular resolution is 0.075 
degree per pixel. With the integrated GPS and IMU devices, all 
Cycloramas are provided with north direction aligned at x=2400 
and horizontal plane aligned at y=1200. 
The equiangular projection of the fisheye camera model is de 
scribed in Schneider and Maas (2003). The projection of Cy 
cloramas to central projective can be understood as projecting a 

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