Full text: CMRT09

CMRT09: Object Extraction for 3D City Models, Road Databases and Traffic Monitoring - Concepts, Algorithms, and Evaluation 
dataset generally has better performance than the first one in 
terms of vehicle motion classification, which has shown that 
one-path LiDAR data could be more appropriate for our task 
than co-registered data of multiple strips, despite that the point 
density of combined dataset would be higher. Moreover, the 
superior performance may trace back to the applied extraction 
strategy of direct 3D segmentation on LiDAR point clouds 
other than 2D analysis approach. 
Once the motion status of extracted vehicles is determined, the 
velocity of moving vehicles can be inferred under the 
precondition that the true vehicle size is known. According to 
results presented here, it is easy to empirically give such 
performance summery that the vehicle motion indication as 
well as estimation from ALS data would fairly depend on 
certain factors, such as point density, distribution spacing 
between every two vehicles, relative motion direction to the 
flight direction, absolute velocity of vehicle, and vehicle size. 
The accurate impacts of single factors on motion analysis 
results have to be further obtained by quantitative analysis with 
great amount of test data 
Traffic analysis could quite benefit from some distinctive 
operational conditions of LiDAR sensor, in comparison to 
optical camera. It is an active sensor less weather dependent; 
for example, it can cope with haze, fog and volume-scattering 
objects to some extent, working night too. Furthermore, scene 
complexity poses an additional difficulty for the optical 
imagery: dense urban areas, long and strong shadows, 
occlusions, etc., can severely impair the vehicle extraction 
Overall, a progressive scheme consisting of the vehicle 
extraction step followed by motion status classification is 
presented in this work attempting to automatically characterize 
the traffic scenario in urban areas. Based on single vehicle 
instances extracted by an approach combining context 
exploitation with 3D segmentation, the binary motion status of 
them is determined by shape analysis and classification. As 
indicted by the results derived from real ALS data commonly 
used for city mapping and modeling, traffic analysis by airborne 
LiDAR offers great potential to support the short/mid-term 
acquisition of statistical traffic data for a given road network in 
urban areas in despite of higher false alarm rates. Nevertheless, 
numerous potential improvements of the schemes have to be 
developed in future, in order to deal with main obstacles to 
LiDAR traffic characterization, especially regarding velocity 
estimation, such as low point density, unknown vehicle size and 
unstable laser reflection properties of vehicle surface. 
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